Bibliographical Sources

Total Number of Bibliograhical Sources: 443

Source Code
CHAPMAN (LE) Title - Portrait and biographical album of the members of the legislature of the state of Michigan (1883) thirty-second session. Chicago, <Ill.> : Chapman Brothers, 1883. B, S.
Citation - Mich. JK5867 1883 .P67
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CHAPMAN (M) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Mecosta County, Michigan... Chicago : Chapman Brothers, 1883. B, D, G, LC, MHC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.M4 P6 1883 Mich. F572.M4 P6 1883 Index
Additional Book -
Microform - LH4989
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CHAPMAN (MI) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Midland County, Mich... Chicago : Chapman Brothers, 1884. B, D, G, LC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.M6 P8
Additional Book - Mich. F572.M6 P8 1976z [Reprint]
Microform - LH4988
Online Access -
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CHAPMAN (N) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Newayco <sic> county, Mich... Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1884. LC, N, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.N5 P8 Mich. F572.N5 P8 Index
Additional Book - Mich. F572.N5 P8 1980z
Microform - LH4992
Online Access -
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CHAPMAN (O) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Oakland County, Michigan... Chicago : Chapman bros., 1891. B. LC, MHC, S, U.
Citation - Mich. F572.O2 P6 1891 Mich. F572.O2 P6 1891a and 1891b Indexes
Additional Book -
Microform - LH4993
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CHAPMAN (OS) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Osceola county. Chicago : Chapman. 1884. B, G, LC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.O7 P8
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Microform - LH4998
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CHAPMAN (S) Title - History of Saginaw County, Michigan... Chicago, Chapman, 1881. B, LC, S, U.
Citation - Mich. F572.S17 H57 1881
Additional Book - Mich. F572.S17 H57z 1975 [Reprint]
Microform - LH5001
Online Access -
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CHAPMAN (SA) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Sanilac County... Chicago : Chapman Brothers, 1884. B, LC, MHC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.S5 P8
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CHAPMAN (ST) Title - Portrait and biographical album of St. Joseph County, Michigan. Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1889. B, G, MHC, S.
Citation - Mich:F572.S4 P6 1889 Mich. F572.S4 P6 1889 Index
Additional Book -
Microform - LH5007
Online Access -
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CHAPMAN (W) Title - History of Washtenaw County, Michigan... Chicago, C.C. Chapman & Co., 1881. B, D, LC, MHC, S, U, Y.
Citation - Mich. F572.W3 H54z Mich. F572.W3 H54 Index
Additional Book - Mich. F572.W3 H54 1990 [Reprint]
Microform - LH5015
Online Access -
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