Bibliographical Sources

Total Number of Bibliograhical Sources: 443

Source Code
CARLISLE Title - Carlisle, Frederick. Chronology of notable events in the history of the Northwest territory and Wayne County. Detroit : O. S. Gulley, Borman, & Co., Printers, 1890. B, D, G, LC, MHC, S, U.
Citation - Mich. F572.W4 C37 1890
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Microform - LH5017
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CASE Title - The Official who's who in Michigan. <Munising, Mich., c1936- > H.S. Case, ed. 1936. B, D, K, LS, S, U.
Citation - Mich. F565.O48
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CATLIN Title - Catlin, George B. (George Byron), 1857-1934. The story of Detroit. <Detroit> Detroit News, 1923. B, D, IU, LC, S, U.
Citation - Mich. F574.D4 C2 1923
Additional Book - Mich. F574.D4 C2 1926 [2d rev. ed.]
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CATLIN (D) Title - Catlin, George B. (George Byron), 1857-1934. A brief history of Detroit in the golden days of '49. <Detroit, Mich. : Detroit Savings Bank>, 1921. B, D, S.
Citation - Mich. F574.D4 C39 1921
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CATLIN (L) Title - Local history of Detroit and Wayne County, Dayton, OH: National Historical Assoc., Inc., [1928?]
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CHAPMAN Title - Portrait and biographical record of Kalamazoo, Allegan, and Van Buren counties, Michigan... Chicago, Chapman brothers, 1892. B, D, LC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.K2 P8 1892
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CHAPMAN (B) Title - Portrait & biographical album of Barry and Eaton counties, Mich... Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1891. B, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.B2 P6z 1891 Mich. F572.B2 P6 1891 Index
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CHAPMAN (BR) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Branch county, Mich. Chicago, Chapman Brothers, 1888. B, C, LC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.B8 P6 1888
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Microform - LH4593
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CHAPMAN (C) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Clinton and Shiawassee, counties, Mich... Chicago, Chapman bros., 1891. B, C, LC, MHC, S.
Citation - Mich. F572.C7 P799z Mich. F572.C7 P8z Index
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Microform - LH4936
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CHAPMAN (CA) Title - Portrait and biographical album of Calhoun county, Michigan... Chicago, <Ill.> : Chapman Bros., 1891. B, BC, MHC, S, U.
Citation - Mich. F572.C2 P55 1891 Mich. F572.C2 P55 1891 Index
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