Legislator Details
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Number of Children: 0
attended public and private schools; night school; attended "Old capitol School" in 1850 and Romeo Academy in 1851
Biographical Sketch:
He emigrated to Canada with his parents when he was 5; moved to Toledo, OH, where his parents died, and then to Detroit with friends in 1843. He learned the trade of furniture painting and finishing. He knew German, French and other languages. He returned to Detroit in 1852, working as a salesman and finisher in a furniture store for 7 years. In 1856, he opened a night school that continued for several years, teaching immigrants English. He taught at the German-American Seminary in 1864. He was one of the first letter carriers in Detroit, from 1865-67 and then taught in private and public schools. After 1874, he was principal of a private school.
Notable Facts: