Legislator Details

Warren J. Willits
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 0

Vital Records Information:

Date: 8/19/1853
County: Hillsdale County, MI
Country: US
Date: 3/19/1916
Type of Burial:
City: Santa Barbara, CA
County: Santa Barbara County, Ca
Country: Santa Barbara Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Addie E. Webb, dau. of Richard H. and Adeline A. (French) Webb, in 1/13/1876, in Three Rivers; children: 2, Webb J. and Eleanor (Wagar)

Number of Children: 2


Religion: Society of Friends [Quaker]; English Lutheran
Military Service:
Occupation: bookkeeper, manufacturer, businessman
Race: Caucasian or White

district schools

Biographical Sketch:
He worked in a flour and feed store when young and later worked at the post office. After studying bookkeeping, he went to work for the Michigan Pump Co., in that capacity for 4 years. In 1876, he and his father formed J. Willits and Son and manufactured and sold wooden pumps; when his father sold his share, it became Webb & Willits. Later partnered with George S. Sheffield to manufacture Sheffield's invention, a 3 wheeled rail car, and other railroad and mining related vehicles. He served as township clerk in Lockport, 1877-78; on the school board; city council and city water board. He was president of the Three Rivers Light & Power Co; president of the First State Savings Bank; president of the Cemetery Assoc.; and vice-president of the Michigan Wood Pulp Co. of Niles. In 1903, he baught the Crocker house in Santa Barbara, CA

Notable Facts:
Nephew of Rep. Baron B. Willits.

Sessions Served:

Chamber: Senate
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Agricultural College , Northern Asylum for the Insane, Railroads , Roads and Bridges
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Three Rivers
County of Residence Saint Joseph
District: 8
District Description: Counties of Kalamazoo and Saint Joseph

Date Elected: 11/2/1886
Date Sworn In: 1/5/1887
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Married


Men of Progress p.206, includes portrait; USCen 1900; MIMarRec 1867-1952; Find-a-Grave.com; Sandusky Register 4/19/1979 p/B12, col.5-6; Chapman (St) p.582-3