Legislator Details
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Number of Children: 0
graduated from Columbia College, NYC, 1842
Biographical Sketch:
He moved to Detroit in 1836. Admitted to the bar in 1844. He was adjutant in the 2nd Tennessee Infantry in the Mexican War. He was connected to New York railroads as an engineer and superintendent until 1852, when he surveyed the Detroit and Milwaukee road, from Pontiac to Grand Haven, as chief engineer; and the road from Mendota to Galesburgh, IL and from Detroit to Port Huron. He was a lieutenant Colonel in the 4th Michigan Infantry in May 1861; Colonel of the 9th Infantry in September. He commanded the 23rd brigade and was military governor of Kentucky, east of the Tennessee River. He was wounded at the battle of Murfreesboro, and taken prisoner. Though paroled, his wounds prevented him from returnong to the field. He took charge of several Pennsylvania coal mines and had conflicts with the Mollie Maguires. Later he took charge of Kentucky iron works and was involved with kentucky railroads.
Notable Facts: