Legislator Details

Donald Albosta portrait from CongBio p.561
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Number of Children: 2
local schools of Chesaning;
graduated from Chesaning Agricultural School; attended Delta College, Saginaw, MI;
attended US Navy Engr. School.
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Paul and Laura (Bennet) Albosta.He served as Albee Township trustee and Saginaw County Commissioner and was associate director of the Saginaw County Soil Conservation District; School Board Secretary and Agricultural Policy Advisory Committee for Trade. He was also the director of the Sugar Beet Growers Association, Associate Director of Saginaw County Soil Conservation District, on the State Advisory Board of the FHA, member of the Farmer’s Union and NFO, president of Prairie Farms Cooperative for 20 years, a member of St. Charles VFW post 5695 and the 1960 Outstanding Young Farmer of the Year.Owner & developer of Misteguay Creek Farms. Assoc. dir., Saginaw Co. Soil Conservation Dist.; Saginaw Co. Comm., 1970-1974. He retired from politics and returned to farming and agricultural business interests in 1986.
Notable Facts:
Elected 3 consecutive Congresses 1979-1985.
He chaired the House Subcommittee on Human Resources that oversaw an investigation into the so-called "October Surprise," the charge that former President Ronald Reagan and his 1980 presidential campaign worked an arrangement with Iran to hold off the release of U.S. hostages until after the 1980 election. That same effort investigated whether Mr. Reagan got debate briefing books from the campaign of former President Jimmy Carter.
married Dorothy Ankoviak, 2/10/1951; children: Christine (White), Paul