Legislator Details

Aaron Childs
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 64

Vital Records Information:

Date: 12/1/1806
City: Henniker, NH
County: Merrimack County, NH
Country: US
Date: 3/26/1882
City: Augusta, MI
County: Washtenaw County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
City: Willis, Mi
County: Washtenaw County, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Childs Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Hannah Frost Bemis, dau. of Jonathan and Lovina (Greenwood) Bemis, 4/11/1833 in Peterboro, Hillsborough County, NH; children: 9, Jonathan W., Lewis E., Lavina L.(Campbell), William K., Eugene M., Alma C., Ellen A., Hannah and Elvira

Number of Children: 9


Religion: Methodist Episcopal
Military Service:
Occupation: farmer
Race: Caucasian or White

attended district schools of New Hampshire.

Biographical Sketch:
Son of Josiah and Abigail Ward(e) Childs. As a young man he studied the clothdresser trade and worked in a woolen factory.He settled in Augusta Township in 1833. He was elected the first township clerk in 1836 and held the office for 6 years and was Supervisor for 18 years; was a member of the Board Of Supervisors for 15 consecutive years, and Postmaster at Paint Creek for many years. He was the brother of Hon. J. Webster Childs and Josiah Childs.

Notable Facts:
He assisted in the organization of Augusta Twp.

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Democratic
Committees Served On: Agricultural College
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Ypsilanti
County of Residence Washtenaw
District: Washtenaw 3
District Description: Townships of Augusta, York, Saline, Manchester, Bridgewater and Lodi

Date Elected: 11/4/1870
Date Sworn In: 1/4/1871
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Married


MIBiog 1:167; USCen 1850, 1860, 1880; ANCESTRY; BiogPub. (W) p.226-228; Chapman (W) p.1442-1443, 1446; Manual 1871 p.115; Find-a-Grave.com; MIDeaths&BurInd 1867-1995; NHMarRecInd 1637-1947