Legislator Details

Daniel Burlingame Sutton
Number of sessions served 2
Gender: Male
Age at election: 40

Vital Records Information:

Date: 6/12/1872
City: Northfield Township, MI
County: Washtenaw County, MI
Country: US
Date: 12/7/1949
City: Ann Arbor, MI
County: Washtenaw County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
City: Ann Arbor, MI
County: Washtenaw County, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Forest Hill Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Bessie [Elizabeth Carolina] Meade, dau. of Andrew and Mattie(Keenan) Meade, 4/25/1906, in Northfield, MI; children: 2, Thorna and Daniel [or Deon] B.

Number of Children: 0


Military Service:
Occupation: farmer, night watchman
Race: Caucasian or White

district schools; attended Ann Arbor High School

Biographical Sketch:
Son of Nathan E. and Emergine (Burlingame) Sutton. He raised stock on his farm. Served as sheriff of Washtenaw Co. for 4 years. He is listed as a night watchman for a mine dormitory, in Northfield, on the 1940 Census

Notable Facts:
His grandfather, George. and father, Nathan Esek Sutton, served in the legislature.

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Democratic
Committees Served On: Liquor Traffic , Michigan State Prison , Military Affairs , Railroads
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Ann Arbor
County of Residence Washtenaw
District: Washtenaw 1
District Description:

Date Elected: 11/3/1914
Date Sworn In: 1/6/1915
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Married
Notes: Chair of Michigan State Prison;
Chamber: House
Party: Democratic
Committees Served On: Drainage , Ionia State Hospital , Revision & Amendment of the Constitution
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Ann Arbor
County of Residence Washtenaw
District: Washtenaw 1
District Description:

Date Elected: 11/5/1912
Date Sworn In: 1/1/1913
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected

Maritial Status: Married


Manual 1913 p.760; USCen 1910, 1940; MIDeathRec 1867-1952; MIMarRec 1867-1952; Find-a-Grave.com