Legislator Details

General Henry H. Wells
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 31

Vital Records Information:

Date: 9/17/1823
City: Rochester, NY
County: Monroe County, NY
Country: US
Date: 2/12/1900
City: Palmyra, NY
County: Wayne County, NY
Country: US
Type of Burial: interred
Date: 2/15/1900
City: Washington, DC
Country: US
Cemetery: Rock Creek Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Phoebe Elizabeth--; children: 1, Floretta (Walker)

Number of Children: 0


Military Service: United States Army
Occupation: lawyer
Race: Caucasian or White

Educated at Romeo Academy, Michigan; studied law in Detroit with Theodore Romeyn.

Biographical Sketch:
He came to Detroit at the age of 21, where he studied law and was admitted to practice, He was an abolitionist.1846. He entered the military service as lieutenant colonel of the 26th Mich. Infantry, in October, 1862, was promoted to the colonelcy of the same regiment March 39, 1964, and was brevetted brigadier general in 1865. In April, 1868, he was appointed provisional governor of Virginia, holding the position until 1869. Was U.S. district attorney for Virginia, 1869-1871, and District of Columbia, from Sept., 1875, to Jan., 1880.

Notable Facts:

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Agriculture and Manufactures, Judiciary , Ways and Means
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Detroit
County of Residence Wayne
District: Wayne 1
District Description:

Date Elected: 11/8/1854
Date Sworn In: 1/3/1855
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Unknown


MIBiog 2:423; Bingham p.681; DFP 2/14/1900 p.2 col.2; Find-a-Grave.com, includes portrait