Legislator Details

Portrait of William M. Fenton scanned from Rep.Dist. 6 page previous to p.23.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Married Adelaide S. Birdall, daughter of Judge James Birdall, 4/11/1836 of Norwich, NY. Adelaide died 11/9/1869.
Number of Children: 4
Graduated head of his class from Hamilton College in 1826
Biographical Sketch:
Eldest of 9 children of Joseph S. Fenton. Grad. from Hamilton College , 1827. Went to sea for 4 yrs, leaving as a mate of a merchantman. Moved to Michigan in 1836; bought land where Fenton now stands in 1838. Admitted to the bar, 1841. Moved to Flint in 1850; elected mayor, 1858. Held several positions of government but after coming back from the war he focused on personal business. Injured as a Chief-Engineer fireman responding to an alarm; he died as a result of his injury. He was a member of the Knights of Templar Commandery.
Notable Facts:
Elected Lt. Gov. 1848-1852; 1861 appointed member of the State Military Bd. and a major in the 7th Infantry then colonel of the 8th Infantry ('the wandering regiment') and financed most of their opperations. Instrumental in securing the establishment of the State Institute for the Deaf and Dumb in Flint, MI.