Legislator Details

Portrait of Levi Aldrich scanned from Rep.Dist. 4 page following p.4.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Evaline A. Sweetland, dau. of James & Fannie (Wakelee) Sweetland of Dryden, NY, 11/28/1850. Evaline was born 9/18/1822
Number of Children: 0
private school, Salem Academy (Chautaugua County, NY), studied medicine at Albany Medical College & Buffalo Medical U. received degree 1849.
Biographical Sketch:
Son of James (Levi?) & Hannah (Comstock) Aldrich; reared in Milton township, NY. After graduation he opened a practice in Erie County, NY until his health failed in 1860. He moved to farm recently purchased in Cass County, MI, but due to his reputation as a successful physician, he was forced to open a new practice. He was a strong republican ever since the party formed. He was a member in good standing of the Masonic Fraternity. He was brought up Quaker and followed the doctrines, but refused to follow one denomination and instead supported all Christian denominations. He had no children but raised Frank Sweetland, who graduated with honors from the medical department of the University of Buffalo, NY.
Notable Facts:
Member of the Constitutional Convention of 1867. Death record gives place of death as Ontwa, MI. Due to his wealth and influence Edwardsburg became a station on the Port Huron and Chicago Railroad.