Legislator Details

Augustus C. Carton portrait from Manual 1913 [unpaged--between p.800 and 801]
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Josephine Grace Hazleton, dau. of Elias and Ida J. Hazleton, 1904; children: 2, John Hazleton and Edith Elizabeth (Sarvic?)
Number of Children: 2
common school; attended Flint High School;
attended State Agricultural College in Lansing
Biographical Sketch:
Of Irish descent. Son of John & Ann (McGuire) Carton. Taught in Ogemaw Co. for 3 yrs. Manufactured lumber & shingles in Greenwood, Ogemaw Co. His mills were destroyed by fire after 6 yrs.; clerked in the state land office in Lansing; surveyed St. Clair Flats; agriculturist for Tawas Sugar Co., 1903-07. Held various positions in the Mich. Dept. of Agriculture.
Notable Facts:
Michigan land commissioner, 1913-14. Secretary of the Public Domain Commission & Commissioner of Immigration.
Brother of state Rep. John J. Carton, speaker of the House 1901-03