Legislator Details

Portrait of Ebenezer Oliver Grosvenor scanned from Men of Progress p.241.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Sally Ann Champlin on February 2, 1844. They had one daughter Harriet C. wife of Charles E. White.
Number of Children: 1
common school and 'academical' education
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Ebenezer and Mary Ann (Livermore)GrosvenorHe worked as a clerk from ages 15-17 in Chittenango, NY and as a clerk for his brother in Albion, MI from 1837-39. He did the same in other places until he married and became a merchant in Jonesville, MI in 1844. In 1854 he established the Grosvenor & Co. banking house and served as president and manager. He served in many town offices; was president of the military contract board in 1861, and afterwards president of the State Military Board; member and president of the Board of State Building Commissioners from 1871 to 1879; long vice-president of the Jackson & Fort Wayne Railroad Company; and was effective in completing the road; and a director in insurance companies and other corporations. He served as Lt. Governor 1865-67; state treasurer, 1867-71; and member of the Board of Regents of the University of Michigan, 1880-87. He was a Whig until 1854, then a Republican.
Notable Facts: