Legislator Details

Portrait of Lyman D. Norris scanned from RepDist 5 on page following p.88.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Lucy Whittelsy, dau. of Chauncey Whittelsy of CT, 11/22/1855; children: 1 son, 1 dau.
Number of Children: 2
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Mark Norris. Moved to Ypsilanti, MI, 1828. Attened the Michigan College at Marshall. Attended the Michigan U. 1841-44; grad. from Yale, 1845. Read law in Detroit & was admitted to the bar 1847. Moved to St. Louis, MO, 1848. While in St. Louis he was political editor & part owner of the St. Louis daily, the Times. Studied law in Heidelberg, Germany. Returned to Ypsilanti, practicing there until 1871. Moved to Grand Rapids.
Notable Facts:
1st student of the 1st class of the Michigan U. Involved in the Dred Scott case in MO, 1852. Member of the Michigan Constitutional Convention of 1867. Sen. Committees: Geological Survey (chair); Judiciary; Education