Legislator Details

Portrait of Cyrus Gray Luce scanned from BiogPub (W) p.176.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Julia Ann Dickinson (c.1830-1882), 8/29/1849 in Gilead, MI; chidren: 5, Almira J., Henry G., Emery G., Florence G. and Homer D.; married Mary Thompson of Bronson, 11/12/1883
Number of Children: 5
the common schools of Ohio and Indiana (log schoolhouse); 3 terms at the Collegiate Institute, Ontario, IN.
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Josiah [or Walter] and Mary (Gray) Luce. Moved to Indiana with his family at age 12 and helped clear land for a farm. From the age of 17 to 24 he worked at carding wool and dressing cloth. In 1848, he bought wilderness land near Gilead, MI, and started his own farm. He was a Branch County township supervisor for 11 years [about 1852-63] and county treasurer for 2 terms (1858 to 1862). During his 6 legislative years, he was present at every roll call, and voted upon the final passage of every bill. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1867. He was appointed state oil inspector in 1879-83. For several years, he was Master of the Michigan State Grange. He was appointed a member of the State Board of Agriculture in 1885, resigned 1886. When elected Governor, contrary to custom, he took up his residence at Lansing, where he lived and devoted his whole time and energies to the duties of his office. He was president of the state Pioneer and Historical Society and as president of the State Library Commission.
Notable Facts:
Served in both chambers.
Governor of Mich. 1887-1890; created the first in the nation paid state game warden.
Luce County, Michigan, was named in his honor.