Legislator Details

Portrait of Charles Locke scanned from Rep.Dist. 6 page previous to p.49.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Married Miss Arvilla Titus on January 13, 1834 and she died April 11, 1847, leaving two children. Married Miss Julia A. Stevens, October 30, 1847, and had five children.
Number of Children: 7
common schools of Eaton, Madison County, NY, studied English, theology, and general literature on his own.
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Rufus and Lydian (Stebbins) Locke, Charles Locke quit school at age 12 when he was needed on the family farm. Not being happy with his education this started a life-long quest of self study. At 18 he branched out into business for himself, but moved around in different states.
From age eighteen until twenty-one he worked at building bridges and locks on the Schuylkill River. He then moved to Oneida County, NY, and worked a small farm. He came to Michigan in 1836, and finally settled in Antrim , Shiawassee County. He removed to Perry Center, MI around 1845 and stayed there. He was licensed to preach on March 14, 1858, ordained Deacon in 1861 and Elder in 1866. He was Justice thirteen years.
Notable Facts:
He was commissioned Caption of a company of militia under Colonel Little, of Saginaw, MI. Joined the Union League. His second daughter was the first white child born in Antrim, MI.