Legislator Details
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Christine Schmi?t; children: Charles, Fred, Edward and Clara (Ryan)
Number of Children: 4
Detroit common schools
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Charles Noah. He emigrated with his parents in 1849 and settled in Detroit. He was apprenticed, for 4 years, at 17 to Marcus Stevens & Co. to learn the upolsterer's trade. At 25, he became a foreman for 12 years. In 1862 he was elected secretary to the upolsterers' union. He was appointed Common Council Clerk of the Police Court 6 years in 1871, while studying law. He was admitted to the bar in 1877. In 1893, he was appointed to the board of estimates by the governor. In 1897, he served as bookkeeper on the water board. He was a member of the Catholic Men's Benevolent Association.
Notable Facts:
He wrote the bill to purchase Belle Isle for a public park.