Legislator Details

Portrait of John Maurice Glavin scanned from Men of Progress p.399
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Helen Scanlon, dau. of Dennis and Marguerite Scanlon, 9/5/1856; children: 8, Mary H., Helen, Emma, Eva, John, Grace, Thomas, and Frederick
Number of Children: 8
Common schools in hometown and Dublin, Ireland; University of Notre Dame, IN.
Biographical Sketch:
He came to this country in 1848, making up his mind to leave Ireland while waiting in Dublin to bid one of his sisters and her family good-bye. At the last moment he declined to part with them, and came over on the same vessel. His first year in America was spent in Chicago, IL., and later he went to Indiana to help in the construction of the Goshen Air Line Railroad. He came to Berrien County, MI in 1857. He became a construction engineer, working first on the Goshen Air Line and later on the Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad. He was for a time constructing engineer on what became the Chicago & West Michigan Railroad, and later on the Port Huron & Northwestern Railroad, and then on the St. Joe Valley Railroad. In 1870, Mr. Glavin went to Washington and with others in pursuit of an appropriation of $60,000 for the construction of a harbor at New Buffalo. It did not materialize. In 1880 another attempt was made adding $10,000 for the New Buffalo harbor appropriation. He was supervisor of Chickaming township, Berrien county, from 1861 to 1865.
Notable Facts: