Legislator Details

William D. Totten
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 42

Vital Records Information:

Date: 10/17/1858
City: near New London, NY
County: Oneida County, NY
Country: US
Date: 7/12/1932
City: Seattle, WA
County: King County, WA
Country: US
Type of Burial:
City: Seattle, WA
County: King County, WA
Country: US
Cemetery: Mount Pleasant Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Ida Boyd, 1881; she died 1884; daughter Florence died 1901; married Edith Marion Phelps, dau. of Samuel and Marie Phelps, 1/6/1886 in Coldsprings, MI; children: Joseph P., Samuel, William, Mortimer, Morrell and Mabel Edith total 7 children

Number of Children: 7


Military Service:
Occupation: teacher, canal driver, lawyer
Race: Caucasian or White

district schools

Biographical Sketch:
Son of Joseph & Nancy (Smith or Morrell) Totten. Of Dutch, Scottish & Irish descent. He moved to Michigan with his parents in 1865. He returned to New York in 1872. Grew up on a farm; from ages 13-19 drove horses on the Erie Canal in NY. Taught school in Michigan at 19 for 2 yrs. He moved to Kalkaska in 1877 and worked for the Grand Rapids & Indiana Railroad Co as a section hand and then as a laborer in the lumber camps. After teaching several terms, he began studying law in a couple of law offices. Admitted to the bar, 1879 or 1880 at age 21. Practiced in Kalkaska, MI; 1881, circuit court commissioner; prosecuting attorney, 1886-90. He was admitted to practice before supreme court of the United States March 3, 1897. Member of the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias & the Maccabees.

Notable Facts:
Application to the SAR gives birthplace as Verona, NY; 1901 Manual says near New London, NY.

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Elections , Judiciary , Michigan Asylum for Insane
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Kalkaska
County of Residence Antrim
District: Antrim
District Description:

Date Elected: 11/6/1900
Date Sworn In: 1/2/1901
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Married


Bowen p.525-6; Manual 1901 p.647; USCen 1900; MIMarRec 1867-1952; Find-a-Grave.com