Legislator Details

James B. Tompkins
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 54

Vital Records Information:

Date: 6/28/1804
County: Schoharie County, NY
Country: US
Date: 8/1/1879
City: Girard, MI
County: Branch County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
City: Girard Township, MI
County: Branch Couty, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Evergreen Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Eliza Ames, dau. of William and Polly (Brownell) Ames in 1832 in Tecumseh, MI; children: 9, James Theron, Martin, Emma (Vanderlip), William A., Francis J., Adeline (Granger) and 3 that died in infancy

Number of Children: 9


Military Service:
Occupation: surveyor, farmer
Race: Caucasian or White


Biographical Sketch:
Son of Cornelius and Catherine Tompkins. Came from Schoharie County, NY; settled in Girard, the first white settler in that township about 1831. He was, the first supervisor of Girard township when it was organized in I834, and he served his townsmen in that capacity for 16 years. He also filled nearly every other township office multiple times. He surveyed the ground upon which the city of Coldwater now stands. He was the first Supervisor of his township in 1834, serving many years. He was also a Justice.

Notable Facts:
He died of tuberculosis

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Unknown
Committees Served On: Internal Improvement
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Girard
County of Residence Branch
District: Branch 1
District Description:

Date Elected: 11/8/1854
Date Sworn In: 1/3/1855
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Unknown


MIBiog 2:363; Collin p.679-80; MIDeathRec 1867-1952; USCen 1850; Find-a-Grave.com