Legislator Details

Portrait of Franklin S. Freeman scanned from Rep.Dist. 5 page previous to p.37.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Married Mary Baldee, 1849
Number of Children: 0
schooled until the age of 16.
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Joseph L. Freeman. Moved to Lenawee Co., MI, 1839-43, then to Ionia Co. Worked in dry goods until 1851 when he purchased a farm. Entered the insurance business, 1869; an officer in the People's Fire Insurance Co. Member of the Masons & Knights Templar. Committees: Insurance (chair); Engrossing & Enrolling; State Public Schools; Religious & Benevolent Societies.
Notable Facts:
Listed as a capitalist in the 1877 Michigan Manual. President of Ronald Literary Association of Ionia County; Master of Washtenong Lodge, No. 286; Presiding officer of Ionia Chapter, No. 14, of Royal Arch Masons; Superintendent of the Baptist Sunday School.