Legislator Details
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married; children: 2, Roger C. and Mrs. Marilyn McClune
Number of Children: 2
Saginaw Arthur Hill High School; Walton School of Commerce and American Exchange University, Chicago, IL.
Biographical Sketch:
Bay City Consistory; Elf Khurafeh; Odd Fellows; Saginaw County American Red Cross; Michigan Association of County Treasurers, past president; Bridgeport County Club, past president and secretary-treasurer. According to the bio page he submitted on 4/26/61 to the Michigan State Library after graduating from the Walton School of Commerce in Chicago he was employed as an accountant for General Motors for ten years. He served as Saginaw County Deputy Treasurer starting January 1, 1927 for four years and then served as Saginaw County Treasurer for twenty-seven years before entering the Legislature.
Notable Facts: