Legislator Details
Brad Paquette
Number of sessions served 4
Gender: Male
Age at election:
Vital Records Information:
Date: 5/24/1987
City: Marquette, MI
County: Marquette County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
Marital Information:
Number of Children:
Religion: Christian
Military Service:
Occupation: teacher
Race: Caucasian or White
BA from Northern Michigan University in political science and pre-law in 2009, MA of teaching from Andrews University in 2012.
Biographical Sketch:
He at Niles New Tech Entrepreneurial Academy; served on the Planning Commission for the city of Niles.
Notable Facts:
Sessions Served:
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Oversight
Postions Held:
City of Residence: Niles
County of Residence Berrien
District: 37
District Description:
Date Elected: 11/5/2024
Date Sworn In: 1/2/2025
Date Left Office:
Reason for Leaving Office:
End of Term Status:
Maritial Status:
Notes: Vice chair of the Oversight Public Health and Food Security Subcommittee; member of Education and Workforce; Oversight Child Welfare System Subcommittee
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Education , Local Government & Municipal Finance
Postions Held:
City of Residence: Niles
County of Residence Berrien
District: 37
District Description: parts of Berrien and Cass Counties
Date Elected: 11/8/2022
Date Sworn In: 1/11/2023
Date Left Office:
Reason for Leaving Office:
End of Term Status:
Maritial Status: Single
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Education , Local Government & Municipal Finance, Energy, Appropriations Subcommittee on School Aid & Dept of Education
Postions Held: Associate Speaker Pro Tempore
City of Residence: Niles
County of Residence Berrien
District: 78
District Description: cities of Niles, Buchanan, New Buffalo, townships of Baroda, Berrien, Bertrand, Buchanan, Chikaming, Galien, New Buffalo, Niles, Oronoko, Pipestone, Sodus, Three Oaks and Weesaw in Berrien County; city of Niles; townships of Howard, Milton, Ontwa and Silver Creek in Cass County
Date Elected: 11/6/2020
Date Sworn In: 1/4/2021
Date Left Office:
Reason for Leaving Office:
End of Term Status:
Maritial Status:
Notes: Chair of the Appropriations Subcommittee on School Aid and Department of Education; Majority Vice-chair of the Committee on Education
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Education , Insurance , Local Government & Municipal Finance, Elections and Ethics
Postions Held:
City of Residence: Niles
County of Residence Berrien
District: 78
District Description: cities of Niles, Buchanan, New Buffalo, townships of Baroda, Berrien, Bertrand, Buchanan, Chikaming, Galien, New Buffalo, Niles, Oronoko, Pipestone, Sodus, Three Oaks and Weesaw in Berrien County;
city of Niles; townships of Howard, Milton, Ontwa and Silver Creek in Cass County
Date Elected: 11/6/2018
Date Sworn In: 1/9/2019
Date Left Office:
Reason for Leaving Office:
End of Term Status:
Maritial Status:
Notes: Vice Chair of the Committee on Education