Legislator Details

Portrait of Benjamin F. Partridge scanned from Rep.Dist. 8 page previous to p.41.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Married Miss Olive M. Wright from New Hampshire in 1845.
Number of Children: 0
Common school, private instructors
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Asa and Sarah C. Partridge and the second of four children. Asa Partridge died in 1827 when Benjamin was five years old. He moved around on his own after that until age fourteen when he decided to attend common school. He became a teacher as soon as possible while still extending his studies at night. He tried his hand at several businesses (mercantile, lumber, surveying). When the Civil War broke out he joined the 1st Michigan Lancers until it was disbanded and joined the 16th Regiment of Michigan Infantry (1st Lieutenant of Company 1). He was subsequently commissioned and mustered from time to time as Captain, Major, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Colonel of the 16th Michigan Veteran Volunteer Infantry. January 18,1865 he took command of the 16th Michigan and was brevetted Brigadier-General of the United States Volunteers. In 1871 he resumed farming near Bay City and he started in politics, holding several offices. He was a Republican.
Notable Facts:
Sheriff of Bay County. President of Bay County Agricultural Association. President of Board of Supervisors for Bay County. Vice-President of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Association of Michigan. A member of the Sons of Temperance, Temple of Honor, Masons, Odd-Fellows, State Grange of Michigan, and a Master of a Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry.