Legislator Details

Portrait of James W Sanborn scanned from Rep.Dist. 7 page following p.20.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Married three times, at his death left behind a wife and three children.
Number of Children: 3
Biographical Sketch:
He was the son of a physician and the third in a line of eleven children. He chose a sea life (West Indies and crossing the Atlantic Ocean) until age 21 when he settled in Port Huron and went into partnership with Abner Coburn, Charles Merrill, and Joseph King. They located 25,000 acres of land in St. Clair and Sanilac counties and left Mr. Sanborn in charge of the purchase. He then removed to Metamora, Lapeer County (1836) and started in politics soon after. In 1847 he started a dry goods and lumber business with his brother-in-law Alvah Sweester, until Alvah's death in 1864. He was originally a Whig then a Republican. He was attached to the Congregational Church but claimed no denomination.
Notable Facts: