Legislator Details

Henry Croll Jr.
Number of sessions served 4
Gender: Male
Age at election: 37

Vital Records Information:

Date: 4/22/1875
City: Saginaw, MI
County: Saginaw County, MI
Country: US
Date: 4/6/1944
City: Lansing, MI
County: Ingham County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
Date: 4/8/1944
City: Saginaw, MI
County: Saginaw County, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Forest Lawn Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Bessie L. Thomson at Suffolk VA in 1896, she died in 1930; children: 1, John T.; married Jessie M. Holt, dau. of Alfred and Annette (Rogers) Aldrich, 10/27/1933 in Lansing, MI

Number of Children: 1


Military Service:
Occupation: bank worker, businessman, hardware dealer, accountant
Race: Caucasian or White

Saginaw public schools

Biographical Sketch:
Of German parentage. Son of Henry and Marie (Krause) Croll. Left school at 13 and worked for American Commercial and Savings Bank of Saginaw for 8 years. Over time he lived in Tobacco, MI, and Gladwin. Relocated to Beaverton. Held the offices of Alderman, Supervisor and School Director in Beaverton.

Notable Facts:
Cause of death: coronary thrombosis

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Private Corporations , Village Corporations , Ways and Means
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Beaverton
County of Residence Gladwin
District: Clare
District Description: Comprising the counties of Clare, Gladwin, and Rosecommon

Date Elected: 11/5/1918
Date Sworn In: 1/1/1919
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Married
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Geological Survey , Private Corporations , Ways and Means
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Beaverton
County of Residence Gladwin
District: Clare
District Description: Comprising the counties of Clare, Gladwin and Rosecommon

Date Elected: 11/7/1916
Date Sworn In: 1/3/1917
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected

Maritial Status: Married
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Apportionment , Michigan Employment Institution for the Blind , Corrections , Private Corporations , Ways and Means
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Beaverton
County of Residence Gladwin
District: Clare
District Description: Comprising the counties of Clare, Gladwin and Rosecommon

Date Elected: 11/3/1914
Date Sworn In: 1/6/1915
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected

Maritial Status: Married
Notes: Chair of Michigan Employment Institution for the Blind
Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Apportionment , Michigan Reformatory , Private Corporations , Railroads
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Beaverton
County of Residence Gladwin
District: Clare
District Description: Counties of Clare, Gladwin, and Roscommon

Date Elected: 11/5/1912
Date Sworn In: 1/1/1913
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Re-elected

Maritial Status: Married


MIBiog 1:211; Manual 1913 p.743; Manual 1917 p.787; Manual 1919 p.812; PolGryd; USCen 1910, 1920; MIMarRec 1867-1952; Find-a-Grave.com, includes photo; Michiganology