Legislator Details

Charles Albert Evans
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 51

Vital Records Information:

Date: 10/28/1861
City: Philadelphia, PA
County: Philadelphia County, PA
Country: US
Date: 3/23/1944
City: Detroit, MI
County: Wayne County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
Date: 3/25/1944
City: Detroit, MI
County: Wayne County, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Green Lawn Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Nellie Hesson; children: 1, Foster A.

Number of Children: 1


Military Service:
Occupation: cigar maker
Race: Caucasian or White

district schools

Biographical Sketch:
Of Scottish/German ancestry. Son of Daniel and Kate (O'Brien) Evans. He learned the cigar making trade at 18. He served as supervisor, alderman and county auditor and was a delegate to the constitutional convention in 1907. He was also a member of the board of review of the city of Saginaw for 5 years and deputy assessor (retired in 1934). He is a member of several labor and fraternal societies.

Notable Facts:

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Democratic
Committees Served On: Geological Survey , Labor , Michigan School for the Deaf , Religious and Benevolent Societies
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Saginaw
County of Residence Saginaw
District: Saginaw 1
District Description: See Michigan Manual for 1913/14

Date Elected: 11/5/1912
Date Sworn In: 1/1/1913
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Married


Manual 1913 p.745; USCen 1920; Michiganology