
Total number of legislators: 412

Results list for legislators with the followong criteria:
Last name beginning with: W

Name Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Wachtel, Philip B. 10/28/1851 3 1889 - 1890 (House)
1891 - 1892 (House)
1893 - 1894 (House)
Wade, Cerrel Blakely 01/01/1813 1 1861 - 1862 (House)
Wade, Frank B. 02/04/1886 3 1927 - 1928 (House)
1929 - 1930 (House)
1931 - 1932 (House)
Wade, Fred 06/29/1862 5 1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (House)
1929 - 1930 (House)
1931 - 1932 (House)
Wade, Silas A. 09/04/1797 1 1857 - 1858 (House)
Wade, Theodosius 11/14/1858 2 1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
Wadhams, Ralph 05/30/1798 1 1838 - 1838 (House)
Wagar, Edgar Shaw 08/30/1850 4 1893 - 1894 (House)
1895 - 1896 (House)
1897 - 1898 (Senate)
1899 - 1900 (Senate)
Wagner, Albert A[lexius] 04/05/1888 1 1935 - 1936 (House)
Wagner, Floyd E. 06/13/1898 4 1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1963 - 1964 (House)
1965 - 1966 (House)
Wagner, George 11/07/1834 3 1889 - 1890 (House)
1891 - 1892 (House)
1893 - 1894 (House)
Wagner, John 04/18/1818 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Wagner, Leo Pierre 04/18/1870 1 1917 - 1918 (House)
Wagner, Matthew D[avid] 12/26/1856 2 1897 - 1898 (Senate)
1899 - 1900 (Senate)
Wait, Jonathan G. 11/22/1811 4 1851 - 1852 (House)
1863 - 1864 (Senate)
1865 - 1866 (Senate)
1867 - 1868 (Senate)
Waite, Benjamin W. 10/13/1811 1 1849 - 1849 (House)
Waite, Byron Sylvester 09/07/1852 2 1889 - 1890 (House)
1895 - 1896 (House)
Wakefield, Daniel B. 01/01/1800 3 1838 - 1838 (House)
1842 - 1842 (Senate)
1843 - 1843 (Senate)
Wakeman, Marcus 03/17/1795 1 1846 - 1846 (House)
Wakeman, Rodney 2 2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
Walberg, Timothy Lee 04/12/1951 8 1983 - 1984 (House)
1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Walbridge, David Safford 07/30/1802 2 1849 - 1849 (Senate)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
Waldo, Campbell 12/25/1786 2 1848 - 1848 (Senate)
1849 - 1849 (Senate)
Waldo, George H. 05/10/1844 1 1895 - 1896 (House)
Waldron, Henry 10/11/1816 1 1843 - 1843 (House)
Waldron, Robert Edwin 01/25/1920 8 1955 - 1956 (House)
1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1963 - 1964 (House)
1965 - 1966 (House)
1967 - 1968 (House)
1969 - 1970 (House)
Wales, Gilbert L. 12/06/1921 5 1955 - 1956 (House)
1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1963 - 1964 (House)
Walker, Adam W. 09/09/1874 2 1905 - 1906 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Walker, Arnold 08/26/1821 1 1873 - 1874 (House)
Walker, Benjamin 03/07/1814 1 1873 - 1874 (House)
Walker, Charles Irish 04/25/1814 1 1841 - 1841 (House)
Walker, Cyrus A. 01/02/1859 2 1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
Walker, Dewitt C. 07/17/1812 5 1840 - 1840 (House)
1841 - 1841 (Senate)
1842 - 1842 (Senate)
1844 - 1844 (House)
1846 - 1846 (House)
Walker, Edward A. 10/20/1860 2 1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
Walker, Edward C. 07/04/1820 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Walker, Frederick 09/09/1809 2 1871 - 1872 (House)
1873 - 1874 (House)
Walker, Henry N. 11/30/1811 1 1844 - 1844 (House)
Walker, Henry T. 04/29/1808 2 1842 - 1842 (House)
1845 - 1845 (House)
Walker, Howard C. 12/10/1954 5 2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
2007 - 2008 (House)
2011 - 2012 (Senate)
2013 - 2014 (Senate)
Walker, James B. 07/29/1805 1 1865 - 1866 (Senate)
Walker, John 05/12/1818 3 1869 - 1870 (House)
1871 - 1872 (House)
1873 - 1874 (House)
Walker, Levi 12/20/1813 1 1873 - 1874 (House)
Walker, Samuel S. 06/11/1841 1 1875 - 1876 (House)
Walker, Sylvester 01/01/1800 1 1847 - 1847 (House)
Walkinshaw, James 07/10/1810 1 1877 - 1878 (House)
Wallace, John B. 10/22/1809 1 1859 - 1860 (House)
Wallace, Robert C. 04/11/1844 2 1903 - 1904 (House)
1905 - 1906 (House)
Wallace, Robert N. 03/17/1887 1 1919 - 1920 (House)
Wallace, Ted 12/31/1941 6 1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Wallin, Franklin B. 03/25/1832 1 1861 - 1862 (House)
Walsh, Edward John 10/22/1904 6 1933 - 1934 (House)
1935 - 1936 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
1939 - 1940 (House)
1941 - 1942 (House)
1943 - 1944 (House)
Walsh, John J. 08/19/1962 3 2009 - 2010 (House)
2011 - 2012 (House)
2013 - 2014 (House)
Walsh, Patrick 01/01/1892 3 1949 - 1950 (Senate)
1951 - 1952 (Senate)
1953 - 1954 (Senate)
Walter, Robert Ernest 09/16/1877 3 1911 - 1912 (Senate)
1913 - 1914 (Senate)
1915 - 1916 (Senate)
Walters, William G. 08/07/1899 2 1925 - 1926 (House)
1927 - 1928 (House)
Walthew, George W. 05/30/1860 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Walton, Andrew 01/11/1826 2 1875 - 1876 (House)
1879 - 1880 (House)
Walton, Jacob 02/10/1818 3 1869 - 1870 (House)
1871 - 1872 (House)
1873 - 1874 (House)
Walton, Leonard S. 02/28/1929 5 1963 - 1964 (House)
1965 - 1966 (House)
1967 - 1968 (House)
1969 - 1970 (House)
1971 - 1972 (House)
Waltz, Joseph 05/24/1844 2 1879 - 1880 (House)
1885 - 1886 (House)
Ward, Arthur N. 01/01/1862 2 1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
Ward, Charles A. 12/28/1859 1 1899 - 1900 (Senate)
Ward, Charles E. 04/26/1873 3 1903 - 1904 (House)
1905 - 1906 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Ward, Christopher 05/23/1974 3 2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
2007 - 2008 (House)
Ward, Edgar B. 09/27/1835 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Ward, George A. 07/12/1860 2 1911 - 1912 (House)
1915 - 1916 (House)
Ward, Lyman M. 10/05/1836 2 1879 - 1880 (House)
1881 - 1882 (House)
Ward, Newton O. 11/08/1854 4 1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
1909 - 1910 (Senate)
1911 - 1912 (Senate)
Ward, Robert E. 01/01/1800 1 1837 - 1837 (House)
Ward, William A. 06/16/1885 5 1929 - 1930 (House)
1931 - 1932 (House)
1933 - 1934 (House)
1935 - 1936 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
Ward, Zael 01/01/1800 1 1855 - 1856 (House)
Wardell, Robert D. 01/03/1882 4 1923 - 1924 (House)
1927 - 1928 (House)
1929 - 1930 (House)
1931 - 1932 (House)
Ware, Joseph Bruff 05/08/1860 1 1895 - 1896 (House)
Waring, Guernsey P. 08/31/1852 1 1881 - 1882 (House)
Warner, Dale 02/03/1941 4 1967 - 1968 (House)
1969 - 1970 (House)
1971 - 1972 (House)
1973 - 1974 (House)
Warner, Dwight G[leason] F[ilmore] 01/01/1861 3 1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
1913 - 1914 (House)
Warner, Ebenezer A. 01/01/1800 2 1859 - 1860 (House)
1861 - 1862 (House)
Warner, Edward A. 01/01/1812 2 1842 - 1842 (Senate)
1843 - 1843 (Senate)
Warner, Fred Lee 09/16/1877 4 1915 - 1916 (House)
1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
Warner, Fred Maltby 07/21/1865 2 1895 - 1896 (Senate)
1897 - 1898 (Senate)
Warner, James F. 10/10/1899 4 1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1963 - 1964 (House)
Warner, Joseph Edwin 03/14/1870 15 1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (House)
1927 - 1928 (House)
1929 - 1930 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
1939 - 1940 (House)
1941 - 1942 (House)
1943 - 1944 (House)
1945 - 1946 (House)
1947 - 1948 (House)
1949 - 1950 (House)
1951 - 1952 (House)
1953 - 1954 (House)
1955 - 1956 (House)
Warner, P. Dean 08/18/1822 4 1851 - 1852 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
1867 - 1868 (House)
1869 - 1870 (Senate)
Warner, William 01/28/1812 2 1863 - 1864 (House)
1867 - 1868 (House)
Warner, William 01/01/1806 1 1851 - 1852 (House)
Warner, William E. 01/01/1822 3 1853 - 1854 (House)
1859 - 1860 (Senate)
1863 - 1864 (Senate)
Warren, Asa K. 01/29/1830 2 1873 - 1874 (House)
1875 - 1876 (Senate)
Warren, Rebekah 11/25/1971 7 2007 - 2008 (House)
2009 - 2010 (House)
2011 - 2012 (Senate)
2013 - 2014 (Senate)
2015 - 2016 (Senate)
2017 - 2018 (Senate)
2019 - 2020 (House)
Warren, Robert L. 01/02/1842 1 1883 - 1884 (House)
Warren, Samuel N. 09/15/1813 1 1848 - 1848 (House)
Warren, Stephen H. 01/01/1806 1 1857 - 1858 (Senate)
Wartner, Paul 04/07/1939 6 1983 - 1984 (House)
1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (Senate)
1993 - 1994 (Senate)
Washburn, Norman B. 08/13/1849 1 1887 - 1888 (House)
Washer, John 02/16/1855 2 1897 - 1898 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
Waterbury, I[saac]. Roy 10/02/1869 3 1899 - 1900 (House)
1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (Senate)
Waterbury, John C. 11/27/1815 3 1861 - 1862 (House)
1871 - 1872 (Senate)
1877 - 1878 (Senate)
Waters, Arthur J. 08/23/1860 2 1905 - 1906 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Waters, Charles H. 01/01/1862 3 1907 - 1908 (House)
1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
Waters, Mary D. 08/27/1955 3 2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
Watkins, Charles W. 03/05/1844 2 1871 - 1872 (House)
1873 - 1874 (House)
Watkins, Erwin C. 01/15/1839 2 1873 - 1874 (House)
1875 - 1876 (House)
Watkins, Frank B. 07/04/1848 1 1909 - 1910 (House)
Watkins, Fred E. 08/18/1866 1 1933 - 1934 (House)
Watkins, Freeman C. 03/29/1811 1 1851 - 1852 (House)
Watkins, Juanita 05/11/1939 6 1979 - 1980 (House)
1981 - 1982 (House)
1983 - 1984 (House)
1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
Watkins, Lucius Whitney 08/06/1873 2 1909 - 1910 (Senate)
1911 - 1912 (Senate)
Watkins, Milton C. 01/01/1806 3 1859 - 1860 (House)
1863 - 1864 (Senate)
1865 - 1866 (Senate)
Watkins, Roy Milton 10/17/1874 2 1915 - 1916 (House)
1919 - 1920 (Senate)
Watson, Bernice M. 08/16/1901 1 1947 - 1948 (House)
Watson, Frank H. 11/14/1857 1 1887 - 1888 (House)
Watson, George C. 04/20/1880 8 1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (House)
1927 - 1928 (House)
1929 - 1930 (House)
1931 - 1932 (House)
1933 - 1934 (House)
1935 - 1936 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
Watson, George CrittendenSr. 08/28/1846 1 1893 - 1894 (House)
Watson, Henry 01/29/1836 3 1885 - 1886 (House)
1887 - 1888 (House)
1889 - 1890 (House)
Watson, Joseph E. 07/08/1860 5 1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (Senate)
1927 - 1928 (Senate)
Watt, J. Clyde 10/04/1875 2 1905 - 1906 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Watters, Mathew H. 07/15/1859 1 1899 - 1900 (House)
Watts, John William 01/13/1838 4 1887 - 1888 (House)
1889 - 1890 (House)
1891 - 1892 (House)
1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Wayne, Duncan Anderson 01/07/1858 3 1899 - 1900 (House)
1905 - 1906 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Weadock, George Leo 02/09/1881 1 1913 - 1914 (Senate)
Weadock, George WilliamII 09/30/1908 1 1937 - 1938 (Senate)
Weage, Stanley Eugene 07/30/1889 1 1941 - 1942 (House)
Weatherby, Charles W. 01/19/1810 1 1863 - 1864 (House)
Webb, Dwight 01/01/1819 2 1849 - 1849 (Senate)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
Webb, Nathan 01/25/1808 1 1861 - 1862 (Senate)
Webb, Wilfred D. 03/23/1921 5 1981 - 1982 (House)
1983 - 1984 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
Webber, Andrew Jackson 01/03/1831 2 1885 - 1886 (House)
1887 - 1888 (House)
Webber, Michael 03/07/1978 5 2015 - 2016 (House)
2017 - 2018 (House)
2019 - 2020 (House)
2023 - 2024 (Senate)
2025 - 2026 (Senate)
Webber, William L. 07/19/1825 1 1875 - 1876 (Senate)
Weber, William V. 11/01/1901 3 1967 - 1968 (House)
1969 - 1970 (House)
1971 - 1972 (House)
Webster, Alanson J. 08/21/1827 1 1871 - 1872 (House)
Webster, James Kilbourne 05/26/1811 1 1846 - 1846 (House)
Wedge, Stanley E. 07/30/1889 1 1943 - 1944 (House)
Weeks, Augustus W. 05/27/1850 4 1893 - 1894 (House)
1895 - 1896 (House)
1901 - 1902 (Senate)
1903 - 1904 (Senate)
Weeks, Lloyd "Pete" F. 06/09/1932 7 1983 - 1984 (House)
1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
Wegela, Dylan 01/27/1993 2 2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Weideman, Arnold Joseph 06/28/1889 1 1937 - 1938 (House)
Weidenfeller, Charles A. 06/09/1852 2 1913 - 1914 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
Weier, August John 10/21/1871 2 1897 - 1898 (House)
1899 - 1900 (House)
Weier, Joseph 03/04/1822 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Weir, James Douglas 05/20/1832 1 1879 - 1880 (Senate)
Weiss, Henry A. 01/01/1843 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Weiss, Joseph M. 05/25/1856 3 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
1893 - 1894 (Senate)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Weiss, Regina 07/07/1986 3 2021 - 2022 (House)
2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Weissert, Charles A. 08/22/1878 3 1915 - 1916 (House)
1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
Welborn, John (Jack) Alva 12/20/1932 10 1973 - 1974 (House)
1975 - 1976 (Senate)
1977 - 1978 (Senate)
1979 - 1980 (Senate)
1981 - 1982 (Senate)
1985 - 1986 (Senate)
1987 - 1988 (Senate)
1989 - 1990 (Senate)
1991 - 1992 (Senate)
1993 - 1994 (Senate)
Welborn, Robert A. 02/17/1928 5 1975 - 1976 (House)
1977 - 1978 (House)
1979 - 1980 (House)
1981 - 1982 (House)
1983 - 1984 (Senate)
Welch, Henry B. 08/02/1833 1 1873 - 1874 (House)
Welch, John 09/05/1825 1 1881 - 1882 (Senate)
Welch, John B. 03/22/1816 2 1863 - 1864 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
Welch, Lewis 01/01/1814 2 1857 - 1858 (Senate)
1859 - 1860 (Senate)
Weld, Washington 01/01/1800 1 1843 - 1843 (House)
Welker, Erastus J. 09/03/1825 2 1873 - 1874 (House)
1877 - 1878 (House)
Welles, Marshall M. 08/01/1822 1 1850 - 1850 (House)
Wellman, Charles 01/18/1847 2 1885 - 1886 (House)
1887 - 1888 (House)
Wellman, Homer Earl 03/10/1881 1 1913 - 1914 (House)
Wells, Frank C. 03/22/1851 1 1899 - 1900 (House)
Wells, Fred B. 02/16/1861 6 1915 - 1916 (House)
1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (House)
Wells, Frederick L. 03/24/1833 3 1871 - 1872 (House)
1873 - 1874 (Senate)
1875 - 1876 (Senate)
Wells, Hayes E. 02/09/1876 1 1925 - 1926 (House)
Wells, Henry B. 02/04/1829 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Wells, Henry H. 09/17/1823 1 1855 - 1856 (House)
Wells, John Tyler 05/06/1841 1 1889 - 1890 (House)
Wells, Thomas M. 01/01/1848 1 1903 - 1904 (House)
Wells, William P. 02/15/1831 1 1865 - 1866 (House)
Welsh, George Wilson 03/27/1883 4 1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
Welsh, Stanton 03/13/1897 1 1939 - 1940 (House)
Wendell, George T. 01/01/1819 2 1857 - 1858 (House)
1859 - 1860 (House)
Wendell, Jacob A. T. 04/12/1826 3 1855 - 1856 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
1869 - 1870 (House)
Wendell, John A. 10/19/1788 1 1842 - 1842 (House)
Wendell, W[illiam] Worth 01/07/1852 1 1891 - 1892 (House)
Wendzel, Pauline 4 2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026
Wenke, Lorence R. 10/09/1945 3 2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
2007 - 2008 (House)
Wenting, Peter Bakerlaar 01/04/1887 1 1913 - 1914 (House)
Wentworth, Jason 09/23/1982 3 2017 - 2018 (House)
2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
Werline, Gideon T. 01/01/1851 1 1903 - 1904 (House)
Werner, Harry B. 01/30/1899 3 1949 - 1950 (House)
1951 - 1952 (House)
1953 - 1954 (House)
Wesselius, Sybrant 06/08/1859 1 1889 - 1890 (Senate)
Wesson, William Bingham 03/21/1820 1 1873 - 1874 (Senate)
West, Daniel W. 09/05/1909 1 1963 - 1964 (House)
West, Thomas J. 05/22/1831 2 1873 - 1874 (House)
1875 - 1876 (House)
Westcott, Charles Henry 04/04/1847 1 1897 - 1898 (Senate)
Westcott, Frank 12/26/1852 1 1895 - 1896 (House)
Westgate, Ansel Washington 08/24/1841 1 1887 - 1888 (Senate)
Westover, Frank L. 12/17/1853 2 1901 - 1902 (Senate)
1903 - 1904 (Senate)
Westover, Luther 04/24/1817 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Weter, James E. 04/09/1857 4 1899 - 1900 (House)
1901 - 1902 (House)
1909 - 1910 (Senate)
1911 - 1912 (Senate)
Wetherbee, Hezekiah 01/01/1802 1 1857 - 1858 (House)
Wetherbee, William Henry 09/08/1858 1 1897 - 1898 (House)
Wetherby, Charles W. 01/01/1809 1 1861 - 1862 (House)
Wetmore, Fred C. 11/23/1867 2 1907 - 1908 (Senate)
1909 - 1910 (Senate)
Wetters, Howard 06/06/1952 3 1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Wettlaufer, August Frederick 10/20/1856 1 1889 - 1890 (House)
Weza, Isadore A. 03/22/1906 2 1937 - 1938 (House)
1939 - 1940 (House)
Wheaton, William Wallace 04/05/1833 1 1889 - 1890 (House)
Wheeler, A[braham] Oren 05/08/1846 2 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
1895 - 1896 (Senate)
Wheeler, Amos R. 09/12/1815 2 1873 - 1874 (House)
1875 - 1876 (House)
Wheeler, Calvin 01/28/1806 1 1851 - 1852 (House)
Wheeler, Charles P. 08/21/1865 1 1901 - 1902 (House)
Wheeler, Elmer G. 10/05/1859 2 1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
Wheeler, George S. 04/22/1830 1 1899 - 1900 (House)
Wheeler, Harrison H. 03/22/1839 2 1871 - 1872 (Senate)
1873 - 1874 (Senate)
Wheeler, Isaac P. 08/10/1817 1 1875 - 1876 (House)
Wheeler, James 03/21/1793 1 1835 - 1836 (House)
Wheeler, Lycurgus J. 02/09/1830 1 1883 - 1884 (House)
Wheeler, Neil 05/13/1892 2 1935 - 1936 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
Wheeler, William 01/01/1800 2 1861 - 1862 (House)
1863 - 1864 (House)
Whelan, Bion J. 07/13/1858 1 1913 - 1914 (House)
Whelan, John Jeffers 02/20/1863 2 1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
Whelan, Nicholas J. 01/01/1869 3 1903 - 1904 (House)
1905 - 1906 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
Whinery, Thomas J. 08/28/1899 9 1943 - 1944 (House)
1947 - 1948 (House)
1951 - 1952 (House)
1953 - 1954 (House)
1955 - 1956 (House)
1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1963 - 1964 (House)
Whipple, Charles W. 01/01/1808 2 1835 - 1836 (House)
1837 - 1837 (House)
Whitaker, Byron C. 05/30/1835 2 1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
White, Arthur Scott 07/09/1844 2 1891 - 1892 (House)
1893 - 1894 (House)
White, Charles E. 03/15/1873 2 1909 - 1910 (Senate)
1911 - 1912 (Senate)
White, Charline 09/01/1920 5 1951 - 1952 (House)
1953 - 1954 (House)
1955 - 1956 (House)
1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
White, Darwin O. 09/08/1835 2 1869 - 1870 (House)
1871 - 1872 (House)
White, Frank G. 01/01/1832 1 1871 - 1872 (Senate)
White, Fred J. 08/17/1881 1 1919 - 1920 (House)
White, George H. 09/09/1822 1 1863 - 1864 (House)
White, Harry Clark 06/24/1870 1 1917 - 1918 (Senate)
White, Horace Alton 07/24/1907 1 1941 - 1942 (House)
White, Jacob W. 08/25/1835 1 1889 - 1890 (House)
White, James Ezra 04/08/1839 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
White, James H. 04/28/1822 2 1879 - 1880 (House)
1881 - 1882 (House)
White, Jonathan R. 09/10/1806 1 1855 - 1856 (House)
White, Oliver K. 02/15/1831 1 1877 - 1878 (House)
White, Orrin 10/25/1796 1 1842 - 1842 (House)
White, Peter 10/31/1831 2 1857 - 1858 (House)
1875 - 1876 (Senate)
White, Shubael F. 06/17/1841 1 1883 - 1884 (Senate)
White, Thomas 01/01/1800 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
White, Thomas W. 10/31/1937 2 1965 - 1966 (House)
1967 - 1968 (House)
White, Thomas W. 11/15/1805 1 1844 - 1844 (House)
White, William E. 06/29/1814 1 1865 - 1866 (House)
Whiteford, Mary 4 2015 - 2016 (House)
2017 - 2018 (House)
2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
Whiteley, Harry H. 05/07/1882 3 1915 - 1916 (House)
1923 - 1924 (Senate)
1925 - 1926 (Senate)
Whiting, Justin Rice 02/18/1847 1 1883 - 1884 (Senate)
Whitmer, Gretchen 08/23/1971 8 2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
2005 - 2006 (Senate)
2007 - 2008 (Senate)
2009 - 2010 (Senate)
2011 - 2012 (Senate)
2013 - 2014 (Senate)
Whitmore, Ezra W. 1 1855 - 1856 (House)
Whitney, Charles E. 08/14/1852 2 1897 - 1898 (House)
1899 - 1900 (House)
Whitney, Joseph Herbert 04/13/1858 3 1895 - 1896 (House)
1907 - 1908 (Senate)
1909 - 1910 (Senate)
Whitney, Luther D. 03/13/1810 1 1857 - 1858 (House)
Whitney, Nathan 11/11/1821 1 1875 - 1876 (House)
Whitney, Thomas 01/01/1826 1 1857 - 1858 (Senate)
Whitsett, Karen S. 4 2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Whyman, Deborah 07/01/1958 3 1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Wickman, Arthur H. 12/20/1891 1 1939 - 1940 (House)
Wickstrom, John C. 03/24/1878 2 1935 - 1936 (Senate)
1937 - 1938 (Senate)
Widoe, John F. 03/18/1856 1 1897 - 1898 (House)
Wieland, Frederick 12/24/1860 2 1913 - 1914 (House)
1915 - 1916 (House)
Wierzbicki, Frank V. 03/10/1925 8 1967 - 1968 (House)
1969 - 1970 (House)
1971 - 1972 (House)
1973 - 1974 (House)
1975 - 1976 (House)
1977 - 1978 (House)
1979 - 1980 (House)
1981 - 1982 (House)
Wiggins, Milan Duschan 04/29/1846 4 1889 - 1890 (House)
1891 - 1892 (House)
1911 - 1912 (Senate)
1913 - 1914 (Senate)
Wiggins, William H. 04/12/1839 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Wight, Buckminster 02/05/1797 1 1855 - 1856 (Senate)
Wight, Stanley G. 09/11/1825 1 1863 - 1864 (House)
Wilber, Mark D. 08/12/1829 1 1873 - 1874 (Senate)
Wilbur, Charles A. 01/01/1810 1 1855 - 1856 (House)
Wilcox, Albert 11/15/1805 1 1841 - 1841 (House)
Wilcox, Elliot R. 02/24/1838 2 1869 - 1870 (House)
1877 - 1878 (Senate)
Wilcox, James M. 07/22/1850 7 1913 - 1914 (House)
1917 - 1918 (Senate)
1919 - 1920 (Senate)
1921 - 1922 (Senate)
1923 - 1924 (Senate)
1925 - 1926 (Senate)
1927 - 1928 (Senate)
Wilcox, Marcus 11/15/1833 1 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
Wilcox, Marcus B. 06/24/1821 1 1857 - 1858 (Senate)
Wilcox, William S. 04/25/1819 3 1865 - 1866 (House)
1867 - 1868 (House)
1871 - 1872 (Senate)
Wilder, Daniel G. 04/15/1823 1 1861 - 1862 (Senate)
Wildey, Edwin A. 01/05/1848 2 1893 - 1894 (House)
1895 - 1896 (House)
Wiley, David W. 06/27/1838 1 1875 - 1876 (House)
Wiley, Jefferson 01/01/1826 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Wiley, Merlin 05/07/1875 3 1915 - 1916 (House)
1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
Wilk, Theodore J. 10/28/1911 3 1949 - 1950 (House)
1951 - 1952 (House)
1953 - 1954 (House)
Wilke, Albert J. 12/31/1895 1 1949 - 1950 (Senate)
Wilkerson, Alfred 02/15/1820 1 1859 - 1860 (House)
Wilkins, Samuel M. 08/16/1836 3 1879 - 1880 (House)
1881 - 1882 (House)
1893 - 1894 (Senate)
Wilkinson, Daniel S. 01/01/1813 1 1849 - 1849 (House)
Wilkinson, Robert Richmond 12/28/1834 1 1891 - 1892 (Senate)
Wilkowski, Anthony J. 04/16/1893 5 1933 - 1934 (Senate)
1935 - 1936 (Senate)
1937 - 1938 (Senate)
1945 - 1946 (Senate)
1949 - 1950 (Senate)
Wilkowski, Leo Joseph 04/05/1903 3 1939 - 1940 (Senate)
1941 - 1942 (Senate)
1943 - 1944 (Senate)
Willard, George 03/20/1824 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Willard, Karen S. 12/12/1959 3 1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Willard, WilliamJr. 01/01/1826 1 1869 - 1870 (Senate)
Willett, A. Milan 04/18/1829 2 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
Willett, John 01/01/1820 2 1877 - 1878 (House)
1879 - 1880 (House)
Williams, Anthony 09/27/1836 1 1883 - 1884 (House)
Williams, Asa 01/01/1802 1 1845 - 1845 (House)
Williams, Buel M. 12/06/1812 2 1863 - 1864 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
Williams, C[leveland] Dodge 10/18/1879 4 1935 - 1936 (House)
1937 - 1938 (House)
1939 - 1940 (House)
1941 - 1942 (House)
Williams, Carl M. 05/06/1942 3 2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
Williams, Charles W. 04/21/1834 1 1889 - 1890 (House)
Williams, Edwin R. 09/20/1836 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Williams, Edwin S. 08/12/1845 2 1895 - 1896 (House)
1897 - 1898 (House)
Williams, Fitch R. 12/18/1834 1 1877 - 1878 (Senate)
Williams, Frank Donald 08/24/1916 4 1953 - 1954 (House)
1955 - 1956 (House)
1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
Williams, Gardner D. 09/09/1804 4 1835 - 1836 (House)
1840 - 1840 (House)
1845 - 1845 (Senate)
1846 - 1846 (Senate)
Williams, George 09/24/1869 1 1915 - 1916 (Senate)
Williams, Harvey 01/01/1812 1 1859 - 1860 (Senate)
Williams, Hubert G. 01/01/1800 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Williams, James A. 01/01/1827 2 1869 - 1870 (House)
1871 - 1872 (House)
Williams, Jeremiah D. 05/02/1815 1 1855 - 1856 (House)
Williams, John M. 07/25/1869 1 1929 - 1930 (House)
Williams, Joseph R. 11/14/1808 1 1861 - 1862 (Senate)
Williams, Philip John 02/17/1901 1 1947 - 1948 (House)
Williams, Theodore 07/05/1808 1 1838 - 1838 (House)
Williams, Thomas H. 05/27/1844 1 1887 - 1888 (House)
Williams, Walter W. 09/01/1847 2 1887 - 1888 (House)
1889 - 1890 (House)
Williams, William Brewster 07/28/1826 2 1867 - 1868 (Senate)
1869 - 1870 (Senate)
Williams, William D. 01/01/1835 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Williams, Zebulon 01/24/1795 1 1848 - 1848 (House)
Willis, George W. 08/18/1859 1 1901 - 1902 (House)
Willis, Mark 02/29/1832 2 1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
Willison, Frank Leslie 08/18/1861 1 1917 - 1918 (Senate)
Willits, Baron B. 01/01/1812 2 1841 - 1841 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
Willits, Warren J. 08/19/1853 1 1887 - 1888 (Senate)
Willitts, George E. 01/28/1857 1 1907 - 1908 (House)
Willoughby, George 03/06/1850 3 1909 - 1910 (House)
1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
Willoughby, L. Jean 07/07/1925 1 1981 - 1982 (House)
Wilson, Dana F. 11/21/1948 4 1977 - 1978 (House)
1979 - 1980 (House)
1981 - 1982 (House)
1981 - 1982 (Senate)
Wilson, Farwell A. 07/18/1841 1 1887 - 1888 (House)
Wilson, James M. 06/16/1893 4 1929 - 1930 (House)
1931 - 1932 (House)
1933 - 1934 (House)
1935 - 1936 (House)
Wilson, Jeremiah C. 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Wilson, JimmieJr. 10/27/1982 2 2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Wilson, John B. 10/22/1822 2 1861 - 1862 (House)
1863 - 1864 (House)
Wilson, Louis T. N. 09/24/1821 1 1855 - 1856 (Senate)
Wilson, Philo 01/01/1810 2 1842 - 1842 (House)
1850 - 1850 (House)
Wilson, Robert S. 2 1843 - 1843 (Senate)
1844 - 1844 (Senate)
Wilson, Thomas M. 01/06/1820 2 1861 - 1862 (House)
1875 - 1876 (House)
Wilson, William B. 01/01/1829 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Wiltse, Jacob M. 11/13/1839 1 1883 - 1884 (House)
Winans, Edwin Baruch 05/16/1826 2 1861 - 1862 (House)
1863 - 1864 (House)
Winchell, Amaziah 01/01/1810 1 1850 - 1850 (House)
Winchell, Jerome 06/08/1846 1 1877 - 1878 (House)
Winegar, Charles Tobias 07/28/1878 1 1913 - 1914 (Senate)
Wing, Austin E. 02/03/1792 1 1842 - 1842 (House)
Wing, Giles M. 07/23/1835 1 1881 - 1882 (House)
Wing, Myron 01/06/1837 2 1897 - 1898 (House)
1899 - 1900 (House)
Wing, Warner 09/19/1805 3 1837 - 1837 (House)
1838 - 1838 (Senate)
1839 - 1839 (Senate)
Wing, Washington 12/03/1808 1 1846 - 1846 (House)
Winsor, Richard 04/25/1839 4 1863 - 1864 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
1869 - 1870 (Senate)
1881 - 1882 (Senate)
Winters, James 08/17/1805 1 1853 - 1854 (House)
Wismer, Donald M.Jr. 05/06/1934 1 1963 - 1964 (House)
Wisner, Chauncey W. 04/26/1835 4 1887 - 1888 (Senate)
1889 - 1890 (Senate)
1891 - 1892 (Senate)
1893 - 1894 (House)
Wisner, George W. 01/01/1812 1 1837 - 1837 (House)
Wisti, Andrew H. 03/16/1932 1 1959 - 1960 (House)
Witherbee, Elijah B. 07/19/1804 1 1847 - 1847 (Senate)
Witherell, Benjamin Franklin Hawkins 08/04/1797 3 1840 - 1840 (Senate)
1841 - 1841 (Senate)
1842 - 1842 (House)
Withey, Solomon L. 04/21/1820 1 1861 - 1862 (Senate)
Withington, William Herbert 02/01/1835 2 1873 - 1874 (House)
1891 - 1892 (Senate)
Wittenberg, Robert 01/20/1981 3 2015 - 2016 (House)
2017 - 2018 (House)
2019 - 2020 (House)
Witwer, Angela 4 2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Wixom, Isaac 03/07/1803 4 1838 - 1838 (House)
1839 - 1839 (House)
1842 - 1842 (Senate)
1843 - 1843 (Senate)
Wixson, Daniel 02/01/1822 2 1859 - 1860 (House)
1873 - 1874 (House)
Wixson, Joshua 01/09/1827 1 1883 - 1884 (House)
Wojcik, Louis F. 06/13/1888 1 1927 - 1928 (House)
Wojno, Lisa 05/31/1972 3 2003 - 2004 (House)
2005 - 2006 (House)
2007 - 2008 (House)
Wojno, Paul J. 03/30/1956 7 1997 - 1998 (House)
1999 - 2000 (House)
2001 - 2002 (House)
2019 - 2020 (Senate)
2021 - 2022 (Senate)
2023 - 2024 (Senate)
2025 - 2026 (Senate)
Wolcott, Grove Henry 11/08/1836 1 1881 - 1882 (House)
Wolcott, L[udwig] J[ohn] 05/14/1849 3 1911 - 1912 (House)
1913 - 1914 (House)
1915 - 1916 (House)
Wolpe, Howard EliotIII 11/03/1939 2 1973 - 1974 (House)
1975 - 1976 (House)
Wolter, Theodore Mathew 01/12/1855 1 1895 - 1896 (House)
Womack, Jimmy (James) 11/30/1953 2 2009 - 2010 (House)
2011 - 2012 (House)
Wood, Alfred B. 04/18/1819 2 1869 - 1870 (Senate)
1871 - 1872 (Senate)
Wood, Arthur E. 08/12/1870 11 1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (Senate)
1921 - 1922 (Senate)
1923 - 1924 (Senate)
1925 - 1926 (Senate)
1927 - 1928 (Senate)
1929 - 1930 (Senate)
1931 - 1932 (Senate)
1935 - 1936 (Senate)
1943 - 1944 (Senate)
1947 - 1948 (Senate)
Wood, Arthur E. 11/26/1896 1 1923 - 1924 (House)
Wood, Charles M. 09/29/1826 1 1875 - 1876 (Senate)
Wood, Edwin Kleber 01/01/1840 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Wood, Emory J. 11/12/1839 4 1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
1913 - 1914 (House)
1915 - 1916 (House)
Wood, Henry L. 06/17/1848 3 1887 - 1888 (House)
1889 - 1890 (House)
1899 - 1900 (House)
Wood, James C. 10/31/1813 2 1875 - 1876 (House)
1877 - 1878 (House)
Wood, James C. 03/31/1872 3 1913 - 1914 (Senate)
1915 - 1916 (Senate)
1917 - 1918 (Senate)
Wood, John F. 10/01/1887 2 1951 - 1952 (House)
1953 - 1954 (House)
Wood, Leonard E. 01/27/1917 2 1953 - 1954 (House)
1955 - 1956 (House)
Wood, Lucian Eby 10/05/1852 1 1895 - 1896 (House)
Wood, Stephen R. 1 1841 - 1841 (House)
Wood, Thomas 05/21/1805 1 1845 - 1845 (House)
Woodard, David A. 01/01/1812 1 1869 - 1870 (House)
Woodbridge, William 08/20/1780 2 1838 - 1838 (Senate)
1839 - 1839 (Senate)
Woodbury, James H. 1 1842 - 1842 (House)
Wooden, Stephen 08/06/1991 1 2025 - 2026 (House)
Woodman, Blair G. 03/15/1903 2 1965 - 1966 (House)
1967 - 1968 (House)
Woodman, Jason 06/02/1860 2 1903 - 1904 (Senate)
1905 - 1906 (Senate)
Woodman, Jonathan J. 05/24/1825 6 1861 - 1862 (House)
1863 - 1864 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
1867 - 1868 (House)
1869 - 1870 (House)
1871 - 1872 (House)
Woodruff, Albert N. 07/22/1850 1 1885 - 1886 (House)
Woodruff, Ari E. 10/10/1859 5 1893 - 1894 (House)
1895 - 1896 (House)
1907 - 1908 (House)
1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
Woodruff, Ari Harrison 11/01/1888 9 1915 - 1916 (House)
1917 - 1918 (House)
1919 - 1920 (House)
1921 - 1922 (House)
1923 - 1924 (House)
1925 - 1926 (Senate)
1927 - 1928 (Senate)
1929 - 1930 (Senate)
1931 - 1932 (Senate)
Woodruff, Edwin W. 02/06/1858 1 1899 - 1900 (House)
Woodruff, Henry 02/13/1813 3 1881 - 1882 (House)
1883 - 1884 (House)
1885 - 1886 (Senate)
Woodruff, Newton R. 10/02/1808 1 1865 - 1866 (House)
Woodward, David T. 05/09/1976 3 1999 - 2000 (House)
2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (House)
Woodward, Hiel 02/10/1824 3 1865 - 1866 (House)
1867 - 1868 (House)
1869 - 1870 (Senate)
Woodward, Lysander 11/19/1817 1 1861 - 1862 (House)
Woodworth, Fred Langdon 01/08/1877 4 1909 - 1910 (House)
1911 - 1912 (House)
1913 - 1914 (Senate)
1915 - 1916 (Senate)
Woodworth, John D. 02/28/1826 2 1863 - 1864 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
Woodworth, Thomas B. 10/02/1841 1 1877 - 1878 (House)
Woolford, Jason 02/26/1972 1 2025 - 2026 (House)
Woolley, Delbert Ernest 11/07/1887 1 1927 - 1928 (House)
Woolnough, Walter Waters 07/01/1822 1 1859 - 1860 (House)
Worden, Ananias 1 1848 - 1848 (House)
Worden, Robert 1 1853 - 1854 (House)
Woronchak, Gary 05/03/1955 3 1999 - 2000 (House)
2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (House)
Wortley, Jabez B. 04/20/1847 1 1895 - 1896 (House)
Wortz, Jennifer 1 2025 - 2026 (House)
Wozniak, Chester 07/23/1927 6 1953 - 1954 (House)
1955 - 1956 (House)
1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
Wozniak, Douglas 01/17/1947 4 2019 - 2020 (House)
2021 - 2022 (House)
2023 - 2024 (House)
2025 - 2026 (House)
Wreford, William Baxter 05/31/1886 1 1931 - 1932 (House)
Wright, Charles R. 1 1861 - 1862 (House)
Wright, David A. 06/06/1813 2 1849 - 1849 (House)
1853 - 1854 (Senate)
Wright, George S. 03/17/1875 1 1915 - 1916 (House)
Wright, Hamilton Mercer 10/26/1852 2 1883 - 1884 (House)
1885 - 1886 (House)
Wright, Henry D. 10/15/1857 2 1901 - 1902 (House)
1903 - 1904 (House)
Wright, Horatio 02/20/1818 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Wright, John A. 04/12/1895 1 1947 - 1948 (Senate)
Wurzel, Raymond C. 04/01/1902 5 1957 - 1958 (House)
1959 - 1960 (House)
1961 - 1962 (House)
1963 - 1964 (House)
1965 - 1966 (House)
Wyckoff, Herman A. 06/17/1838 1 1881 - 1882 (House)
Wyllis, George C. 08/01/1825 1 1883 - 1884 (House)
Wyman, Henry 01/01/1803 1 1845 - 1845 (House)