Fortieth Legislature, 1899-1900
Session Details
Start Date: 1/4/1899
End Date: 12/31/1900
Elect Date: 11/8/1898
Sworn in Date: 1/4/1899
House Leadership
Edgar Adams
Speaker Pro Tempore
George Gillam
Senate Leadership
President Pro Tempore
Robert Loomis
House Committees
Agricultural College
Frank Wells
Saunders VanCamp
August Niedermeier
William Oberdorffer
Henry Buskirk
J. Read
Edward Nash
Chester Miller
Joel Gillette
Solon Goodell
I[saac]. Waterbury
James Weter
William Sutherland
Julius Soper
Albert Stewart
Otto Hatzenbuhler
Sherman Handy
Solon Goodell
Joseph Dickinson
Henry Eikhoff
Benjamin Colvin
William Chandler
Leonard Baumgaertner
Asylum for Dangerous and Criminal Insane
Bartlett Nevins
Christopher Murphy
Joseph Locher
Henry Eikhoff
Christopher Babcock
City Corporations
Peter Herrig
Humphrey Gray
John Gordon
Frank Aldrich
Jeremiah Anderson
College of Mines
Charles Whitney
Duncan Wayne
Charles Hofmeister
D[avid] Hammond
James Davis
Henry Stumpenhusen
James Taziman
Christopher Murphy
John Kingott
Eastern Asylum for Insane
Myron Wing
I[saac]. Waterbury
Lester Goodrich
Joseph Dickinson
William Duff
Charles Whitney
I[saac]. Waterbury
James Scully
Adney Hall
Mathew Watters
Edward Keep
Sherman Handy
Sheridan Colby
Edward Bryan
Federal Relations
Henry Schmidt
Bartlett Nevins
William McKay
John Murdoch
Benjamin Colvin
Fisheries and Game
August Weier
George Reed
William McKay
George Lusk
William Kelly
Henry Gustin
Alfred Fleischhauer
Henry Buskirk
Jeremiah Anderson
General Taxation
Saunders VanCamp
J. Read
Joseph McLean
William Kelly
Henry Gustin
D[avid] Hammond
Harlan Dudley
Samuel Collins
Christopher Babcock
Geological Survey
George Davis
Frank Wells
Malcolm McLeod
John Murdoch
Peter Herrig
Michael Doyle
Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptic
Edwin Woodruff
Henry Stumpenhusen
George Heck
Edward Dingley
Edmund Burfoot
James Robinson
Edward Nash
Richard Pearson
Edmond Randall
Edmund Brownell
Industrial Home for Girls
Charles Laflamboy
Luke Lugers
George Howell
William Chandler
Henry Cheever
Industrial School for Boys
George Wheeler
Angus Kerr
George Howell
George Gillam
John Carton
William Oberdorffer
Lyman McCall
William Kelly
Alfred Fleischhauer
Jeremiah Anderson
James Scully
Frank Shepherd
Angus Kerr
Sherman Handy
Burton Hart
William Foster
James Davis
Henry Cheever
George McCallum
Mathew Watters
George Heck
Will Crosby
Henry Eikhoff
Edmund Burfoot
Liquor Traffic
James Weter
Bartlett Nevins
Chester Miller
John Gordon
Benjamin Colvin
John Caldwell
Lou Burch
Noah Burdick
Leonard Baumgaertner
Local Taxation
Richard Pearson
Edmond Randall
Humphrey Gray
Christopher Babcock
Robert Alward
Lumber and Salt
Mathew Watters
William Sutherland
Franklin Moore
Sheridan Colby
Christopher Babcock
Michigan Asylum for Insane
Duncan Wayne
J. Read
Chester Miller
Leonard Baumgaertner
Frank Aldrich
Military Affairs
William Pack
Charles Phillips
William Duff
Samuel Collins
Frank Aldrich
Mines and Minerals
Henry Stumpenhusen
Joseph McLean
Angus Kerr
David Heineman
Lester Goodrich
Normal Schools
James Scully
John Shisler
George Mason
Harlan Dudley
George McCallum
Northern Asylum for Insane
Henry Wood
William Pack
Burton Hart
Samuel Goodyear
Edmund Brownell
George Wheeler
William Oberdorffer
Edward Dingley
William Duff
Lou Burch
Private Corporations
August Niedermeier
Franklin Moore
Lyman McCall
William Kelly
Henry Gustin
Samuel Collins
John Caldwell
John Carton
Fremont Chamberlain
Public Health
George Rulison
Charles Phillips
William Foster
Lester Goodrich
Jeremiah Anderson
Public Lands
Henry Wood
Edwin Woodruff
William Reed
Edward Keep
Henry Buskirk
Charles Whitney
George Reed
George Rulison
Richard Pearson
Lyman McCall
Burton Hart
Alfred Fleischhauer
John Gordon
Fremont Chamberlain
Religious and Benevolent Societies
Edwin Woodruff
Frank Shepherd
Christopher Murphy
Joseph Locher
Luke Lugers
Revision and Amendment of the Statutes
August Weier
Frank Shepherd
Charles Phillips
George Heck
David Heineman
George Gillam
John Carton
Lou Burch
Edmund Burfoot
Roads and Bridges
Myron Wing
James Robinson
Joseph Locher
Joel Gillette
Samuel Goodyear
Rules and Joint Rules
Myron Wing
George Lusk
Otto Hatzenbuhler
George Gillam
James Davis
School for the Blind
Myron Wing
Albert Stewart
Henry Schmidt
August Niedermeier
William Foster
School for the Deaf
James Weter
William Sutherland
George Rulison
Edward Nash
Otto Hatzenbuhler
Soldiers' Home
George Wheeler
Albert Stewart
Henry Schmidt
Peter Herrig
D[avid] Hammond
State Affairs
Henry Wood
Frank Wells
James Taziman
Luke Lugers
Charles Hofmeister
George Howell
Samuel Goodyear
Henry Buskirk
State Capitol and Public Buildings
George Wheeler
Joseph McLean
Malcolm McLeod
Charles Hofmeister
Edward Dingley
State House of Correction & Branch of the State Prison in the Upper Peninsula
James Taziman
James Robinson
Edmond Randall
Noah Burdick
Robert Alward
State House of Correction and Reformatory
Julius Soper
William Reed
Malcolm McLeod
John Kingott
Solon Goodell
State Library
James Scully
David Heineman
Will Crosby
George McCallum
State Prison
Frank Wells
Edward Keep
Samuel Collins
John Caldwell
William Chandler
State Public School
John Murdoch
Edward Keep
William Foster
Sheridan Colby
Edward Bryan
Supplies and Expenditures
John Shisler
William Pack
William McKay
Will Crosby
Joseph Dickinson
Towns and Counties
John Kingott
Charles Hofmeister
Noah Burdick
Franklin Moore
Humphrey Gray
John Carton
Fremont Chamberlain
Henry Cheever
Upper Peninsula Asylum for Insane
Saunders VanCamp
Charles Phillips
Adney Hall
Joel Gillette
Michael Doyle
Village Corporations
George Reed
William Reed
Charles Laflamboy
Michael Doyle
Edward Bryan
Ways and Means
August Weier
Albert Stewart
George Mason
Franklin Moore
Charles Laflamboy
George Lusk
Adney Hall
Harlan Dudley
Edmund Brownell
Senate Committees
Agricultural College
Suel Sheldon
George Moore
Addison Brown
Agricultural Interests
John Leidlein
Daniel McMullen
Robert Graham
Asylum for Criminal Insane
Edgar Wagar
Frederick Baker
James Flood
Asylums for Insane at Kalamazoo and Traverse City
William McGraw
George Moore
John Perren
William Potter
Perley Heald
Asylums for Insane at Pontiac and Newberry
John Leidlein
Ira Sayre
James Humphrey
Robert Loomis
Frank Lyon
Charles Collingwood
Theron Atwood
Banks and Corporations
Charles Smith
Albert Stoll
James Milliken
George Moore
Robert Graham
Cities and Villages
Albert Stoll
Charles Ward
William Latimer
Alexander Maitland
Edwin Blakeslee
Charles Collingwood
George Davis
Claims and Public Accounts
Matthew Wagner
Perley Heald
Frank Lyon
College of Mines
William McGraw
William Potter
James Helme
William Latimer
Charles Giddings
Constitutional Amendments
George Monaghan
Frank Lyon
Charles Collingwood
Counties and Townships
James Milliken
John Perren
Robert Graham
Education and Public Schools
Daniel McMullen
Ira Sayre
James Humphrey
William McGraw
George Monaghan
James Helme
Alexander Maitland
Engrossment and Enrollment
James Humphrey
Frederick Baker
James Flood
Executive Business
Alvah Smith
Albert Stoll
Charles Ward
Ira Sayre
Robert Loomis
Federal Relations
Alvah Smith
Charles Ward
James Humphrey
Finance and Appropriations
Charles Smith
Albert Stoll
Matthew Wagner
Edwin Blakeslee
Robert Graham
John Leidlein
Suel Sheldon
Daniel McMullen
James Milliken
George Moore
Frederick Baker
Theron Atwood
Geological Survey
John Leidlein
Alexander Maitland
Home for Feeble Minded
William Potter
Addison Brown
James Flood
Alvah Smith
Addison Brown
James Flood
House of Correction at Marquette
Edgar Wagar
Perley Heald
Addison Brown
George Davis
James Flood
Charles Smith
Edgar Wagar
James Milliken
Industrial Home for Girls
Suel Sheldon
Daniel McMullen
Theron Atwood
Industrial School for Boys
Charles Ward
James Humphrey
Charles Giddings
Edgar Wagar
Perley Heald
Robert Loomis
James Flood
Charles Giddings
Alvah Smith
George Monaghan
William Potter
James Helme
Frank Lyon
Charles Collingwood
Charles Giddings
Labor Interests
Suel Sheldon
Albert Stoll
Alexander Maitland
Charles Collingwood
Robert Graham
Liquor Traffic
John Perren
William Latimer
Frank Lyon
James Flood
Lumber Interests
John Leidlein
Daniel McMullen
George Davis
Mechanical Interests
James Helme
Addison Brown
Theron Atwood
Military Affairs
George Monaghan
Frederick Baker
Edwin Blakeslee
Normal Schools
Alvah Smith
William Latimer
Robert Loomis
Frederick Baker
George Davis
Matthew Wagner
Daniel McMullen
George Monaghan
Public Buildings
John Perren
James Humphrey
Robert Graham
Public Health
Edgar Wagar
Perley Heald
Public Improvements
Charles Smith
George Moore
John Perren
Public Lands
Suel Sheldon
Charles Smith
Matthew Wagner
John Leidlein
James Milliken
Ira Sayre
Alexander Maitland
Reformatory at Ionia
William McGraw
William Latimer
Charles Collingwood
Religious and Benevolent Societies
Alvah Smith
Frank Lyon
George Davis
Roads and Bridges
James Helme
Edwin Blakeslee
Addison Brown
Rules and Joint Rules
Matthew Wagner
William Potter
Perley Heald
Saline Interests
George Moore
Perley Heald
School for the Blind
William Latimer
Frank Lyon
Alexander Maitland
School for the Deaf
George Monaghan
Frederick Baker
Charles Collingwood
Soldiers' Home
Edgar Wagar
James Humphrey
Charles Giddings
State Affairs
Edgar Wagar
John Perren
Ira Sayre
Robert Graham
State Library
Alvah Smith
Charles Ward
Robert Loomis
State Prison
Suel Sheldon
James Helme
Theron Atwood
State Public School
Suel Sheldon
James Milliken
George Davis
Supplies and Expenses
George Monaghan
William Latimer
Theron Atwood
Edgar Wagar
George Moore
Ira Sayre
Robert Loomis
Alexander Maitland
Frederick Baker
George Davis
William Potter
Addison Brown
Charles Giddings