Forty-Second Legislature, 1903-1904

Session Details

Start Date: 1/7/1903
End Date: 12/31/1904
Elect Date: 11/4/1902
Sworn in Date: 1/7/1903

House Leadership

John Carton

Speaker Pro Tempore
Sheridan Colby

Senate Leadership

President Pro Tempore
Oramel Fuller

House Committees

Agricultural College
J. Fisk
Gideon Werline
David Nottingham
Frank Osborn
Silas Munsell

Andrew Austin
Millard Durham
J. Fisk
Leonard Thomas
William Kirk

C[alvin] Adams
Earl Bolton
John Combs
Orville Dennis
Dexter Ferry
Nicholas Whelan
Theodosius Wade
Thaddeus Seeley
Abram Shook
Levi Partlow
James Monroe
William Kirk
Charles Kidder

Asylum for the Criminal Insane
James Francis
Noble Ashley
Henry VanderCook
George Richards
Frank Osborn

City Corporations
Henry VanderCook
Clarence Sheldon
George Richards
James Monroe
Fred Hunt

College of Mines
John Combs
Phillip Eichhorn
Silas Munsell
William Kirk
Charles Kidder

William Foster
Mark Willis
Leonard Thomas
Justus Thorington
Henry Herkimer

Eastern Asylum for Insane
Millard Durham
Nicholas Whelan
John Shea
Clarence Sheldon

Eastern Michigan Asylum for Insane
Herbert Powell

Earl Bolton
John Combs
Orville Dennis
James Dunstan
Joseph Greusel

Sheridan Colby
Jacob VanZoeren
Gardner Powell
Herbert Powell
James Morrice

Federal Relations
Phillip Eichhorn
Henry Wright
Byron Whitaker
Asa Sanderson
Lawton Hemans

Fish and Fisheries
Jeremiah Anderson
Earl Bolton
John Washer
Thomas Wells
Leonard Thomas
Lincoln Rodgers
Andrew Scott
Robert Paddock
John Lane

Game Laws
Horace Barnaby
Charles Brown
Newton Ward
Walter Robinson
James Knight

General Taxation
Frayer Halladay
James Francis
John Batchelder
Thomas Campbell
Robert Wallace
Thomas Wells
Gardner Powell
Nathan Lovell
Charles Harley

Geological Survey
Robert Adams
Noble Ashley
Thaddeus Seeley
Frank Neal
Frank Ladner

Home for Feeble Minded
John Dohany
Earl Fairbanks
Mark Willis
Gideon Werline
Frank Ladner

Charles Ward
Nicholas Whelan
Abram Shook
Frank Osborn
John Lane

Industrial Home for Girls
Alonzo Fisher
Edmond Randall
Lote Robinson
James Monroe
John Holmes

Industrial School for Boys
William Galbraith
Andrew Scott
J. Read
Frank Neal
Robert Paddock

Institution for the Deaf
Byron Whitaker
Alvah Stone
Walter Robinson
James Knight
Thomas Higgins

Noble Ashley
Charles Byrns
Edward Walker
Asa Sanderson
Charles Kidder

George Gallup
William Galbraith
Thomas Campbell
Edwin Denby
Nicholas Whelan
Theodosius Wade
John McCarthy
Lawton Hemans
John Kirk

Jeremiah Anderson
George Duncan
Lote Robinson
Alvin Pettit
Henry Herkimer

Liquor Traffic
C[alvin] Adams
Peter DeLisle
Alonzo Fisher
Robert Wallace
Lincoln Rodgers
Herbert Powell
Levi Partlow
Thomas Higgins
John Holmes

Local Taxation
William Foster
Joseph Greusel
William Siggins
Edward Walker
Daniel Oviatt

Lumber and Salt
George Gallup
Frayer Halladay
Clarence Sheldon
James Morrice
Charles Harley

Michigan Asylum for Insane
George Duncan
Robert Wallace
Orville Lane
John McCarthy
Cassius Jenks

Military Affairs
Cornelius Hallenbeck
Charles Brown
Edwin Denby
Frank Newberry
John Kirk

Mines and Minerals
James Dunn
J. Fisk
Charles Ward
Asa Sanderson
Lawton Hemans

Normal Schools
Horace Barnaby
J. Read
Alvin Pettit
Fred Hunt
John Kirk

Northern Asylum for Insane
Edward Walker
Frank Newberry
Daniel Oviatt
Levi Partlow
Nathan Lovell

Orville Dennis
George Duncan
Alvin Pettit
Daniel Oviatt
James Knight

Private Corporations
Cornelius Hallenbeck
Phillip Eichhorn
Dexter Ferry
Alonzo Fisher
Henry Wright
John Washer
Jacob VanZoeren
Andrew Scott
Cassius Jenks

Public Health
John Dohany
David Nottingham
Alvin Pettit
John Lane
Thomas Higgins

Public Lands
Frayer Halladay
Thomas Campbell
Richard Reynolds
Archibald McEachern
Henry Herkimer

William Foster
C[alvin] Adams
Leonard Baumgaertner
Sheridan Colby
Charles Ward
Newton Ward
Alvah Stone
J. Read
Sheridan Master

Religious and Benevolent Societies
William Siggins
John Perkins
James Morrice
James Monroe
Thomas Higgins

Revision and Amendment of the Statutes
James Francis
Horace Barnaby
Peter DeLisle
Walter Robinson
Frank Newberry
Levi Partlow
James Knight
Sheridan Master
Cassius Jenks

Roads and Bridges
Andrew Austin
Gideon Werline
Edmond Randall
Richard Reynolds
William Kirk

Rules and Joint Rules
Leonard Baumgaertner
Ira Chapman
Dexter Ferry
Lincoln Rodgers
James Monroe

School for the Blind
Jeremiah Anderson
Dexter Ferry
John Perkins
Nathan Lovell

Soldiers' Home
Cornelius Hallenbeck
William Foster
Andrew Austin
William Siggins
Lincoln Rodgers

State Affairs
Charles Byrns
Ira Chapman
James Dunn
John Shea
Abram Shook
Frank Osborn
Robert Paddock
Silas Munsell
Frank Ladner

State Capitol and Public Buildings
John Batchelder
Thomas Wells
Thaddeus Seeley
John Shea
George Richards

State House of Correction
Charles Brown
Joseph Greusel
Justus Thorington
Theodosius Wade
Richard Reynolds

State Library
John Dohany
James Dunn
John Washer
Archibald McEachern
John McCarthy

State Prison
John Batchelder
Leonard Baumgaertner
Charles Byrns
James Dunstan
David Nottingham

State Public Schools
Jacob VanZoeren
John Perkins
Gardner Powell
James Morrice
James Monroe

Supplies and Expenditures
James Dunstan
Earl Fairbanks
Orville Lane
Henry Herkimer
Fred Hunt

Towns and Counties
Earl Fairbanks
J. Fisk
Justus Thorington
Thaddeus Seeley
Lote Robinson

George Gallup
Robert Adams
Edwin Denby
John Holmes

Upper Peninsula Hospital for Insane
Ira Chapman
Newton Ward
Archibald McEachern
Charles Harley

Upper Peninsula Prison
Frayer Halladay
C[alvin] Adams
Sheridan Colby
Orville Dennis
Henry Wright
Abram Shook

Village Corporations
William Galbraith
Peter DeLisle
Mark Willis
John Lane
John Holmes

Ways and Means
Robert Adams
Millard Durham
Byron Whitaker
Alvah Stone
Henry VanderCook
Edmond Randall
Frank Neal
James Monroe
Orville Lane

Senate Committees

Agricultural College
John Baird
Albert Cook
Jason Woodman

Agricultural Interests
Solon Goodell
Simeon VanAkin
Jason Woodman

Arthur Bangham
David Burns
Cassius Glasgow
Orlando Moffatt
Charles Smith

Asylum for Insane at Newberry
Augustine Farr
Charles Laflamboy
Augustus Weeks

Asylum for Insane at Pontiac
Oramel Fuller
Cassius Glasgow
George Jones

Asylum for Insane at Kalamazoo
James Scripps
Charles Smith
Frank Westover

Asylum for Insane at Traverse City
Arthur Bangham
Frank Glazier
I[saac]. Waterbury

Banks and Corporations
William Brown
William Curtis
Frank Glazier
Albert Sleeper
Charles Smith

Cities and Villages
John Baird
Alfred Doherty
Augustine Farr
James Scripps
Michael Moriarty

Claims and Public Accounts
Albert Cook
Augustine Farr
William Scullen

College of Mines
Alfred Doherty
George Jones
Jason Woodman

Constitutional Amendments
David Burns
William Scullen
Charles Simons

Counties and Townships
Ellery Cannon
Frank Glazier
Charles Simons

Education and Public Schools
Arthur Bangham
Frederick Sovereign
I[saac]. Waterbury

John Baird
Oramel Fuller
William Kelly

Executive Business
John Baird
Arthur Bangham
William Curtis
Frank Glazier
Charles Smith

Federal Relations
Cassius Glasgow
Frank Glazier
Frank Westover

Finance and Appropriations
Cassius Glasgow
Charles Laflamboy
William Kelly
Charles Smith
I[saac]. Waterbury

William Curtis
Oramel Fuller
Solon Goodell
Orlando Moffatt
Simeon VanAkin

Forestry Interests
Albert Cook
William Curtis
Jason Woodman

Gaming Interests
John Baird
Solon Goodell
George Jones
Coleman Vaughan
I[saac]. Waterbury

Geological Survey
William Curtis
Charles Simons
I[saac]. Waterbury

Home for Feeble Minded
Ellery Cannon
William Curtis
Frederick Sovereign

Simeon VanAkin
Augustus Weeks
Jason Woodman

George Barnes
William Scullen
Michael Moriarty

Industrial Home for Girls
William Kelly
William Lockerby
Orlando Moffatt

Industrial School for Boys
Arthur Bangham
George Barnes
Augustine Farr

John Baird
Alfred Doherty
Frank Westover

William Brown
William Scullen
Charles Simons
Michael Moriarty

Labor Interests
Albert Sleeper
Simeon VanAkin
Frank Westover

Liquor Traffic
William Brown
Albert Sleeper
Frederick Sovereign

Lumber Interests
Charles Laflamboy
William Kelly

Mechanical Interests
George Barnes
Cassius Glasgow
William Kelly

Michigan Reformatory
Coleman Vaughan
Augustus Weeks
Jason Woodman

Military Affairs
Ellery Cannon
Charles Smith
Simeon VanAkin

Mining Interests
Albert Sleeper
Frederick Sovereign
Michael Moriarty

Normal College
Augustine Farr
Cassius Glasgow
James Scripps

Normal School at Marquette
George Barnes
William Brown
Coleman Vaughan

Normal School at Mount Pleasant
William Brown
Frank Glazier
Albert Sleeper

George Barnes
James Scripps
Coleman Vaughan

Public Buildings
Alfred Doherty
George Jones
Orlando Moffatt

Public Health
William Lockerby
James Scripps
Frederick Sovereign

David Burns
Alfred Doherty
Charles Laflamboy
Coleman Vaughan

Religious and Benevolent Societies
George Barnes
David Burns
James Scripps

Roads and Bridges
Ellery Cannon
Solon Goodell
I[saac]. Waterbury

Rules and Joint Rules
David Burns
Augustine Farr
William Lockerby

Saline Interests
John Baird
George Jones
Frank Westover

School for the Blind
Solon Goodell
Frederick Sovereign
Sheridan Master
Michael Moriarty

School for the Deaf
Charles Simons
Simeon VanAkin
Augustus Weeks

Soldiers' Home
Ellery Cannon
Frank Westover
Jason Woodman

State Affairs
Alfred Doherty
William Kelly
Charles Smith

State Asylum
Solon Goodell
George Jones
William Scullen

State Lands
Arthur Bangham
Augustine Farr
Augustus Weeks

State Library
Alfred Doherty
Charles Laflamboy
Coleman Vaughan

State Prison
Orlando Moffatt
Jason Woodman
Michael Moriarty

State Prison at Marquette
Arthur Bangham
David Burns
Albert Cook

State Public School
Charles Laflamboy
William Lockerby
Albert Sleeper

Supplies and Expenses
Albert Cook
Oramel Fuller
Orlando Moffatt

Ellery Cannon
William Kelly
William Scullen
Albert Sleeper
Augustus Weeks

George Barnes
William Brown
Charles Simons