Sixty-Third Legislature, 1945-1946

Session Details

Start Date: 1/3/1945
End Date: 12/31/1946
Elect Date: 11/7/1944
Sworn in Date: 1/3/1945

House Leadership

Howard Nugent

Speaker Pro Tempore
Victor Knox

Senate Leadership

President Pro Tempore
Harry Hittle

House Committees

Albert Zak
John Schuch
Raymond Snow
Hugo Nelson
Spencer Howarth
James Goulette
Jack Ellstein
Richard Deadman
Fred Dingman

David Young
Dora Stockman
Bert Storey
Floyd Town
Edson Root
Maurice Post
James Kirk
Vincent Klein
Carl Lindquist
George Gillespie
Thurber Cornell

Charles Yaeger
William Romano
Raymond Snow
Loomis Preston
Michael Novak
Sherman Loupee
Arthur MacKinnon
Jack Fuller
Henry Geerlings
Ate Dykstra
Elton Eaton
Jack Ellstein
Robert Baldwin

Boys' Vocational School
George Mathieson
Robert Montgomery
Edward Carey
John Bannasch
Charles Block

Caro State Hospital
Albert Zak
John Thomson
Alpheus Decker
Fred Dingman

Central Michigan College of Education
Paul Sienkiewicz
Palmer Landon
Walter Herrick
Joseph Chartrand
Louis Anderson

City Corporations
Paul Sienkiewicz
George Montgomery
Peter Kelly
Thomas Griffin
Ate Dykstra
Louis Freye
Albert Dimmers Jr.
William Cleary
Andrew Bolt

Coldwater State Home and Training School
Paul Sienkiewicz
James Kirk
Vincent Klein
Homer Bauer
Charles Block
Andrew Bolt

Charles Sundstrom
John Thomson
Rupert Stephens
Hugo Nelson
John Kruse
Palmer Landon
Mark Jenema
Peter Kelly
Carl Graves
Charles Feenstra
Richard Deadman
Alpheus Decker
Albert Dimmers Jr.
Lewis Christman
Charles Block

David Young
Raymond Snow
Fred Kircher
George Gillespie
Fred Dingman
Joseph Chartrand
William Cleary

Dora Stockman
Rupert Stephens
Edson Root
Cornelius Quinn
Sherman Loupee
Frederick Miles
George Montgomery
Peter Legg
Henry Geerlings

James Murphy
Loomis Preston
Peter Legg
Carl Lindquist
Walter Herrick
Elton Eaton
William Donnelly
Joseph Chartrand
William Cleary
William Bird

Federal Relations
David Young
Thomas Morgan
John Kruse
Joseph Chartrand
James Becker

Fish and Fisheries
Rupert Stephens
Emil Peltz
Hugo Nelson
George Mathieson
Casper Kenny
Fred Dingman
Eugene Betz
Charles Block
Louis Anderson

General Taxation
Albert Zak
Charles Sundstrom
Charles Yaeger
Emil Peltz
James Kirk
Vincent Klein
John Karel
Walter Herrick
John Bresnahan
Homer Bauer
Charles Block
Andrew Bolt
Ural Acker
Louis Anderson

Geological Survey
Floyd Town
Rupert Stephens
William Romano
Cornelius Quinn
Louis Freye

Girls' Training School
Dora Stockman
Evelyn Nowak
Henry Geerlings
Ate Dykstra
James Becker

Charles Yaeger
William Romano
Edson Root
Palmer Landon
Jack Fuller
William Cleary
Thurber Cornell

Bernard OBrien
Thomas Morgan
Joseph Nagel
Louis Freye
Alpheus Decker
Thurber Cornell
Lewis Christman
Robert Baldwin
Andrew Bolt

Ionia State Hospital
Bert Storey
Joseph Nagel
John Karel
Jack Fuller
Walter Herrick

Oliver Smith
James Stanley
Loomis Preston
Frederick Miles
Robert Montgomery
Jack Fuller
Albert Dimmers Jr.
John Bresnahan
John Bannasch
Homer Bauer
Eugene Betz

Kalamazoo State Hospital
Thomas Morgan
Peter Kelly
Thomas Griffin
Robert Baldwin
Ural Acker

Floyd Town
Paul Sienkiewicz
Casper Kenny
George Gillespie
James Goulette
Elton Eaton
Patrick Doyle
Edward Carey

Lapeer State Home and Training School
Oliver Smith
Gerald Murphy
Spencer Howarth
Henry Geerlings
Walter Herrick

Liquor Control
William Romano
Edson Root
Gerald Murphy
George Mathieson
Louis Mezzano
Spencer Howarth
James Goulette
John Bannasch
Eugene Betz

Local Taxation
Bert Storey
Robert Montgomery
John Bresnahan
Homer Bauer
William Bird

Metropolitan Affairs
Albert Zak
James Murphy
William Romano
Bernard OBrien
Michael OBrien
Gerald Murphy
Joseph Nagel
Peter Kelly
Carl Graves
William Donnelly
John Bresnahan
Frank Calvert
Lewis Christman
Eugene Betz

Michigan Children's Institute
Michael Novak
Evelyn Nowak
Carl Lindquist
Casper Kenny
Albert Dimmers Jr.

Michigan College of Mining and Technology
Charles Sundstrom
Louis Mezzano
Peter Legg
Frederick Kappler
James Goulette

Michigan Employment Institution for the Blind
John Thomson
John Schuch
George Montgomery
Thomas Griffin
Richard Deadman

Michigan Reformatory
Charles Yaeger
Thomas OBrien
Henry Geerlings
Alpheus Decker
Andrew Bolt

Michigan School for the Blind
Dora Stockman
Raymond Snow
Thomas OBrien
Fred Kircher
John Bresnahan

Michigan School for the Deaf
David Young
Raymond Snow
Robert Montgomery
George Gillespie
Thomas Griffin

Michigan Soldiers' Home
Bert Storey
Thomas Morgan
John Kruse
Louis Freye
Richard Deadman

Michigan State College of Agriculture and Applied Science
Dora Stockman
John Thomson
Rupert Stephens
Maurice Post
Arthur MacKinnon
Mark Jenema
Fred Kircher
Howard Estes
Thurber Cornell

Military and Veterans' Affairs
John Schuch
Emil Peltz
Thomas Morgan
John Kruse
James Goulette
Thomas Griffin
Howard Estes
Richard Deadman
Tracy Doll

Mount Pleasant State Home and Training School
John Schuch
Paul Sienkiewicz
Thomas OBrien
Emil Peltz
Palmer Landon

Newberry State Hospital
Charles Sundstrom
Bernard OBrien
Frederick Kappler
Jack Fuller
William Cleary

Northern Michigan College of Education
Hugo Nelson
Louis Mezzano
Peter Legg
Carl Lindquist
Louis Anderson

Northern Michigan Tuberculosis Sanatorium
Emil Peltz
Hugo Nelson
Louis Mezzano
Charles Feenstra
Patrick Doyle

Pontiac State Hospital
Charles Yaeger
Carl Graves
Ate Dykstra
Howard Estes
Edward Carey

Cornelius Quinn
George Mathieson
George Montgomery
Thurber Cornell
Eugene Betz

Private Corporations
Michael Novak
Evelyn Nowak
Arthur MacKinnon
Fred Kircher
Charles Feenstra
Alpheus Decker
Fred Dingman
John Bannasch
Andrew Bolt

Public Health
Sherman Loupee
Arthur MacKinnon
Frederick Kappler
Fred Kircher
Jack Ellstein
Howard Estes
Charles Feenstra

Public Safety
Michael OBrien
Thomas OBrien
Thomas Morgan
Spencer Howarth
Frederick Kappler
James Becker
William Bird

Public Utilities
James Murphy
Floyd Town
Gerald Murphy
Palmer Landon
Elton Eaton
William Donnelly
Edward Carey
William Bird
Louis Anderson

Religious and Benevolent Societies
Oliver Smith
Otto Sherbeck
Maurice Post
Robert Baldwin
James Becker

Revision & Amendment of the Constitution
Albert Zak
Loomis Preston
Frederick Miles
Richard Deadman
Tracy Doll
John Bresnahan
John Bannasch
Homer Bauer
Ural Acker

Revision and Amendment of the Statutes
Edson Root
Otto Sherbeck
Raymond Snow
Michael OBrien
Michael Novak
Carl Graves
Albert Dimmers Jr.
Patrick Doyle
William Bird

Roads and Bridges
Otto Sherbeck
Joseph Nagel
John Kruse
Palmer Landon
Mark Jenema
Ate Dykstra
Alpheus Decker
William Cleary
William Bird

Rules and Resolutions
Thomas OBrien
Gerald Murphy
Sherman Loupee
Mark Jenema
George Gillespie
Walter Herrick
Tracy Doll
Ural Acker

Social Aid and Welfare
Michael OBrien
Cornelius Quinn
Evelyn Nowak
John Karel
Fred Kircher
Henry Geerlings
Carl Graves
Howard Estes
James Becker

State Affairs
Bert Storey
John Thomson
John Schuch
Michael OBrien
Maurice Post
Joseph Nagel
Carl Lindquist
Louis Freye
Ural Acker

State Capitol and Public Buildings
John Karel
Peter Kelly
Carl Graves
Jack Ellstein
John Bresnahan

State House of Correction & Branch of the State Prison in the Upper Peninsula
Hugo Nelson
Louis Mezzano
Peter Legg
Frederick Kappler
James Goulette

State Library
Dora Stockman
James Kirk
Vincent Klein
Spencer Howarth
Casper Kenny

State Normal College
James Murphy
Sherman Loupee
George Montgomery
Peter Kelly
Charles Feenstra
William Donnelly

State Prison of Southern Michigan
James Murphy
Floyd Town
Evelyn Nowak
Frederick Miles
Albert Dimmers Jr.
William Donnelly

State Psychopathic Hospital
Albert Zak
Emil Peltz
Cornelius Quinn
Ate Dykstra
Tracy Doll

State Sanatorium
Floyd Town
Gerald Murphy
Casper Kenny
George Gillespie
Thurber Cornell

Supplies and Expenditures
Oliver Smith
Mark Jenema
Louis Freye
Tracy Doll
John Bannasch

Towns and Counties
David Young
Bert Storey
Otto Sherbeck
Bernard OBrien
Maurice Post
Michael Novak
Robert Montgomery
Frederick Kappler
Homer Bauer

Oliver Smith
Charles Sundstrom
John Thomson
John Schuch
Arthur MacKinnon
George Mathieson
John Karel
Patrick Doyle
Louis Anderson

Traverse City State Hospital
Otto Sherbeck
James Kirk
Vincent Klein
Mark Jenema
Jack Ellstein
Patrick Doyle

University of Michigan
Bert Storey
Edson Root
Loomis Preston
Elton Eaton
Robert Baldwin
John Bannasch
James Becker

Village Corporations
Bernard OBrien
Loomis Preston
Louis Mezzano
Frederick Miles
Robert Baldwin

Ways and Means
Joseph Warner
Harry Phillips
David Morrison
Alexander MacKay
Victor Knox
Joseph Leszynski
T. Hoxie
Henry Graebner
Arnell Engstrom
John Espie
Byron Courter
Frank Calvert
Rollo Conlin

Western Michigan College of Education
Michael OBrien
Sherman Loupee
Joseph Chartrand
Robert Baldwin
Ural Acker

Ypsilanti State Hospital
Bernard OBrien
Gerald Murphy
Edward Carey
Lewis Christman
Charles Block

Senate Committees

Don VanderWerp
Elmer Porter
Daniel Ryan
Alvin Hampton
Frank Heath
George Girrbach

Banks and Corporations
William Vandenberg
Charles Youngblood
Alvin Hampton
Gordon Bonine
Fred Burritt
George Girrbach
Otto Bishop

Colin Smith
Harold Tripp
James Milliken
Daniel Ryan
Henry Kozak
Fred Burritt
Ben Carpenter

Harold Tripp
Clarence Reid
M. Saur
Alvin Hampton
Charles Blondy
Murl DeFoe

Charles Youngblood
Alvin Hampton
George Higgins
Ivan Johnston
William Lee
Carl Delano

Finance and Appropriations
Audley Rawson
William Vandenberg
Don VanderWerp
James Milliken
Elmer Porter
M. Saur
Charles Blondy
Gordon Bonine
Otto Bishop

Anthony Wilkowski
Haskell Nichols
Henry Kozak
William Lee
Fred Burritt
Ben Carpenter
Carl Delano
Otto Bishop

Audley Rawson
Colin Smith
Robert MacDonald
Stanley Nowak
Elmer Porter
M. Saur
Murl DeFoe

Colin Smith
Anthony Wilkowski
Charles Youngblood
Robert MacDonald
Haskell Nichols
Clarence Reid
Harry Hittle
Ivan Johnston

Colin Smith
Don VanderWerp
Clarence Reid
Harry Hittle
Gordon Bonine

Liquor Control
Harold Tripp
William Vandenberg
Frank Heath
Harry Hittle
Henry Kozak
Murl DeFoe

Charles Youngblood
James Milliken
Haskell Nichols
Daniel Ryan
Ben Carpenter
Perry Greene

Public Health and Social Aid
Robert MacDonald
Stanley Nowak
Gordon Bonine
Ben Carpenter
Carl Delano
Perry Greene

Public Utilities and Transportation
Anthony Wilkowski
Haskell Nichols
Frank Heath
Ivan Johnston
Ben Carpenter
Perry Greene

Rivers, Harbors and Airports
Stanley Nowak
Frank Heath
William Lee
Charles Blondy
Carl Delano
George Girrbach

Senate Business and Rules
Audley Rawson
Elmer Porter
George Higgins
William Lee
Charles Blondy
Perry Greene
Otto Bishop

State Affairs
Audley Rawson
William Vandenberg
Don VanderWerp
Anthony Wilkowski
Robert MacDonald
George Higgins
Fred Burritt
Murl DeFoe

James Milliken
Stanley Nowak
Clarence Reid
Daniel Ryan
M. Saur
George Higgins
Ivan Johnston

Veterans' and Military Affairs
Harold Tripp
Harry Hittle
Henry Kozak
George Girrbach