Third Legislature, 1838

Session Details

Start Date: 1/1/1838
End Date: 4/6/1838
Elect Date: 11/6/1837
Sworn in Date: 1/1/1838

House Leadership

Kinsley Bingham

Speaker Pro Tempore
Alexander Buel

Senate Leadership

President Pro Tempore
John Barry

House Committees

Lauren Hotchkiss
Walter Buckbee
Francis Charter
John Bowman
John Ball
Theodore Williams
Anthony Poucher

Agriculture and Manufactures
Jesse Decker
Lowell Goodman
Townsend Gidley
Samuel Doty
James ODell
Esek Pray
Minot Lane

Banks and Incorporations
Colombia Lancaster
Jacob Howard
Anthony Cooley
Andrew Dorsey
Rufus Bement
Jira Payne
Orange Risdon

Levi Cook
Andrew Dorsey
Isaac Adams
William Burke
Orson Sheldon
Jeremiah Thompson
Isaac Wixom

William Draper
Jacob Howard
John Ball
Jeremiah Smith
Stephen Vickery
Daniel Wakefield
William Montgomery

Henry Levake
Lauren Hotchkiss
Samuel Doty
Isaac Wixom
Charles Moran
Minot Lane

Colombia Lancaster
Robert McClelland
Samuel Gantt
Jacob Howard
Stephen Vickery
Theodore Williams
Henry Smith

Henry Levake
Samuel Gantt
Alexander Buel
Charles Spafford
Jeremiah Thompson
Anthony Poucher
Elijah Lacey

Expiring Laws and what Laws they coceive necessary
Jesse Decker
Levi Cook
Louis Beaufait
Richard Butler
Charles Spafford
Orson Sheldon
James ODell

Indian Affairs
Henry Levake
Joshua Howard
Flavius Crane
Francis Charter
Esek Pray
Jonathan King

Internal Improvement
Robert McClelland
Townsend Gidley
Anthony Cooley
Flavius Crane
Isaac Adams
Rufus Bement
Jira Payne

Colombia Lancaster
Robert McClelland
Jacob Howard
Walter Buckbee
Alexander Buel
Richard Butler
William Kent

Robert McClelland
John Ball
Jira Payne

William Draper
Joshua Howard
Elisha Champlin
John Bowman
Louis Beaufait
Rufus Bement
Henry Smith

Organization of Towns and Counties
Jesse Decker
Lowell Goodman
Elisha Champlin
Flavius Crane
Orson Sheldon
Jeremiah Smith
Stephen Vickery

William Draper
Samuel Gantt
Walter Buckbee
Jeremiah Thompson
William Montgomery
Minot Lane

Private Corporations
Alexander Buel

Roads and Bridges
Lowell Goodman
Lauren Hotchkiss
Elisha Champlin
Samuel Doty
John Bowman
Orange Risdon
John Kellogg
William Kent

State Prison
Townsend Gidley
Joshua Howard
Francis Charter
Andrew Dorsey
Isaac Adams
William Burke
William Kent

Unfinished Business
Walter Buckbee
Anthony Cooley
Louis Beaufait
William Burke
Isaac Wixom
James ODell
Esek Pray
Elijah Lacey

University and School Lands
Townsend Gidley
Richard Butler
Daniel Wakefield
Theodore Williams
William Montgomery
John Kellogg
William Kent

Ways and Means
Levi Cook
Ralph Wadhams
Daniel Wakefield
Charles Moran
John Kellogg
Jonathan King
Elijah Lacey

Senate Committees

Anthony McKey
William Moore
James Kingsley

Jacob Summers
William Moore
Norman Curtis

John McDonell
Vincent Bradford
Elijah Cook
Ralph Wadhams

Enrolled Bills
Anthony McKey
John Clark
Elijah Cook

Benjamin Kercheval
William Moore
John Clark

Expiring Laws
Warner Wing
William Woodbridge
Vincent Bradford

Warner Wing
Benjamin Kercheval
John McDonell

William Woodbridge
Benjamin Kercheval
John Barry

Indian Affairs
Jacob Summers
Benjamin Kercheval
John McDonell

Internal Improvement
Anthony McKey
John Clark
James Kingsley

Warner Wing
Vincent Bradford
John Barry

Vincent Bradford
Horace Comstock
George Cooper

John Bartow
George Cooper
Norman Curtis

Warner Wing
Benjamin Kercheval
John Clark

Roads and Bridges
Jacob Summers
William Moore
Norman Curtis

State Affairs
Warner Wing
William Woodbridge
John Bartow

State Prisons
John McDonell
William Moore
George Cooper

Towns and Counties
John Bartow
Horace Comstock
Elijah Cook