Section 207 of the HHFKA amended section 22 of the NSLA (42 U.S.C. 1769c) to require State agencies to report the final results of the administrative review to the public in an accessible, easily understood manner in accordance with guidelines promulgated by the Secretary. Regulations at 7 CFR 210.18(m) requires the State agency to post a summary of the most recent final administrative review results for each SFA on the State agency's publicly available website no later than 30 days after the SA provides the final results of the administrative review to the SFA.


Review Information

The review summary must cover access and reimbursement (including eligibility and certification review results), an SFA's compliance with the meal patterns and the nutritional quality of school meals, the results of the review of the school nutrition environment (including food safety, local school wellness policy, and competitive foods), compliance related to civil rights, and general program participation. At a minimum, this would include the written notification of review findings provided to the SFAs Superintendent or equivalent as required at 7 CFR 210.18(i)(3).

General Program Participation
  1. The School Food Authority participates in:
  1. The School Food Authority operates under the following Special Provision:
Review Findings
  1. Were any findings identified during the review of this School Food Authority?
A.  Program Access and Reimbursement
Certification and Benefit Issuance
Meal Counting and Claiming
Finding(s) Details:
    B.  Meal Patterns and Nutritional Quality
    YES NO  
    Meal Components and Quantities
    Offer versus Serve
    Dietary Specifications and Nutrient Analysis
    Finding(s) Details:
      C.  School Nutrition Environment
      YES NO  
      Food Safety, Storage and Buy American
      Local School Wellness Policy
      Competitive Foods
      Finding(s) Details:
        D.  Civil Rights
        Finding(s) Details:
          E.  Afterschool Snacks
          Finding(s) Details:
            F.  Community Eligibility Provision
            Finding(s) Details:
              G.  FFVP
              Finding(s) Details:
                H.  Professional Standards
                Finding(s) Details:
                  I.  Reporting and Recordkeeping
                  Finding(s) Details:
                    J.  SBP and SFSP Outreach
                    Finding(s) Details:
                      K.  SFA On-site Monitoring
                      Finding(s) Details:
                        L.  Smart Snacks
                        Finding(s) Details:
                          M.  Water
                          Finding(s) Details:
                            Noteworthy Initiatives
                            1. Were any noteworthy initiatives found during the review of this School Food Authority?