Districts must complete this form to provide information about Fall 2022 benchmark assessments that measure proficiency in reading and mathematics in grades K-8, to report on local benchmark assessments and those that contain progress monitoring tools, and for eligible districts to apply for a benchmark assessment funding grant. 

Benchmark assessments are used to establish baseline achievement data, measure student progress toward the state’s academic standards, and to provide valuable information to educators, parents, and policymakers. 
Section 104h of PA 144 of 2022 in the state School Aid Act requires the implementation of a benchmark assessment system in the 2022-23 school year. Districts are to administer one or more types of benchmark assessments, for both reading and mathematics, at least twice to all students in grades K through 8 – once within the first nine weeks of the school year and again before the end of the school year.
Districts may choose to administer any one or more of the following types of benchmark assessments, providing assessments for both reading and math. If practical, districts will administer the same benchmark assessment(s) that was administered in prior years.
  1. A benchmark assessment from the Michigan Department of Education’s (MDE’s) approved provider list.  Two of these assessments are free to districts.  Districts choosing this option are required to provide benchmark assessment data to the Michigan Data Hub within 30 days of test administration.
        List of MDE’s approved benchmark assessment providers and tests:
»     Curriculum Associates i-Ready (eligible for funding)
»     NWEA MAP Suite (eligible for funding)
»     Renaissance Star (eligible for funding)
»     Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments, offered by DRC for grades 3-8 (free for districts)
»     MDE Early Literacy and Mathematics Benchmark Assessments, offered by DRC for grades K-2 (free for districts)
  1. A local benchmark assessment. Districts must report on local benchmark assessment(s) using a section of this form. 
  2. A benchmark assessment that contains progress monitoring tools. Districts must report on these benchmark assessment(s) using a section of this form.
Grant Funding
ISDs and LEAs may apply for 2022-23 benchmark assessment funding if they administer and correctly report on NWEA Map, Curriculum Associates i-Ready, or Renaissance Star benchmark assessments to students in any grade K-8. Awards will be $12.50 per membership pupil in grades K-8 for each eligible district.

More information
To learn more information about benchmark assessments for Michigan students, review the Benchmark Assessment Fact Sheet and FAQ or visit the MDE Benchmark Assessments web page.
Who to contact with questions:
Contact MDE’s Office of Educational Assessment and Accountability (OEAA) at MDE-OEAA@michigan.gov for questions related to the benchmark assessment legislation.
Contact the GEMS Help Desk if you have technical questions about the survey form.
Contact Carol Skillings if you have questions about program funding.


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