Legislator Details

Image of Dr. William  James Duff
Image Description:
Portrait of William James Duff scanned from Men of Progress p.400.

Dr. William James Duff
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 42

Vital Records Information:

Date: 8/17/1856
City: Pittsburg, PA
County: Allegheny County, PA
Country: US
Date: 5/26/1922
City: Port Huron, MI
County: Saint Clair County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
Date: 5/29/1922
City: Port Huron, MI
County: Saint Clair County, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Lakeside Cemetery

Marital Information:
married Mrs. Minnie Finney, dau. of Mr. Ross, of Hamilton, Ontario, in Sedalia, MO, 6/1/1899; children: 1, William R.

Number of Children: 1


Religion: Congregationalist
Military Service: Army National Guard
Occupation: physician, surgeon
Race: Caucasian or White

Public school in Pittsburg, PA; Detroit, MI; and Port Huron, MI; graduated from Medical School at University of Michigan

Biographical Sketch:
Of Scottish ancestry. Son of George and Sarah (Mercer) Duff. When the Spanish American War occurred, Dr. Duff, a member of the Michigan National Guard, and at different times was 1st and 2nd lieutenant and captain of Company F, 3rd Michigan N. G., enlisted as a private soldier in Co. F, 33rd Michigan Volunteer Infantry, when his company was mustered into the United States service. Although he was ill most of the time that his regiment was in Cuba, he managed to keep out of the hospital and attend to his duties as a soldier, but the campaign caused him to lose weight rapidly so that although he weighed 176 pounds when he went away he came home weighing 101 pounds. He was confined to his bed from Sept. 4 to Nov. 28, after his return from Cuba, during which time he was elected to the legislature. he served as Port Huron's city health officer. He practiced in Port Huron. Member of the Masons, Elks and Maccabees.

Notable Facts:
President for two terms of the board of health in Port Huron. Nominated for office by Republican party, but he was so popular the Democrats refused to put up any man against him and every vote cast was for Dr. Duff. While the regiment was in Cuba, all of the surgeons, were detached from duty, leaving the regiment wholly without medical attendance, so in addition to his regular duties as a non-commissioned officer, Dr. Duff volunteered to care for the men. Consequently, the citizens of St. Clair county presented him with a diamond studded gold medal of appropriate emblematic character.

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Republican
Committees Served On: Eastern Asylum for Insane , Military Affairs , Printing
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Port Huron
County of Residence Saint Clair
District: Saint Clair 1
District Description: See district map in Michigan Manual 1899 between pages 448 and 449

Date Elected: 11/8/1898
Date Sworn In: 1/4/1899
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: Lost Election
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Single


Men of Progress p.400, includes portrait; USCen 1910; Find-a-Grave.com, includes portrait; SeekMI