Legislator Details

Francis W. Cook, Chapman (Le) portrait p. [240]
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
Number of Children: 1
district schools;
at age 19 studied law in Ovid, MI, in the office of J.G. Patterson
Biographical Sketch:
Raised by his grandfather. Came to Michigan at age 8 in 1855; settled first in Commerce, Oakland Co. then in Victor, Clinton Co. a year later. Admitted to the bar 1870. Moved to Muskegon, 12/1870; specialized in criminal law. He was elected police justice of Muskegon, 1872; city attorney, 1876. He acted as mediator between strikers and employers in the 1882 strike for a 10 hour day. Elected mayor of Muskegon, 1884. Member of the Oddfellows, Elks and Knights of the Maccabees.
Notable Facts:
A labor advocate.
Committees: Judiciary; Harbors; Private Corporations; & Labor Interests (chair);
second term committees: Judiciary,; Federal Relations; and Corporations
Called for the creation of the committee on Labor Interests in 1885, as wellas a Labor Bureau.
Called the first man elected on a straight labor ticket.
A Greenback Democrat