Legislator Details
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Marion Bartlett Thurber, dau. of Henry T. and Eliza (Craul) Thurber, 3/18/1911 in Detroit, MI; children: Edwin J. and Marion
Number of Children: 2
attended the schools of Evansville, IN; graduated from the law dept. of University of Michigan, 1896
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Charles Harvey and Martha (Fitch);Grson of Graham Newell Fitch. To China, 1885, with father, U.S. Minister; worked for the Chinese imp. maritime customs serv. 1887-94; ret. to the U.S., 1894. Law grad. U. of Mich., 1896. Admitted to the bar & practiced in Detroit, 1896. Gunner’s mate, 3rd class, U.S. Navy, on the Yosemite during Span. Amer. War. Engaged in banking & other business enterprises. Enlisted as a pvt. in Marine Corps, 1917; retired as major in Marine Corps Reserve, 1919. Member of the Masons and PhiDelta Phi.
Notable Facts:
Served in Congress 1905-1911; pres. of Detroit Charter Comm. 1913-1914; pres. Detroit Bd of Commerce, 1916-1917. Sec. of the Navy for Pres. Harding from 1921, until 3/10/1924; resigned in the aftermath of the Teapot Dome scandal.
His father was in the Indiana Legisalture.