Legislator Details

Ira T. Sayre portrait from Nimmo p.101
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Julia E. Niles, dau. of Franklin A. Niles, 8/5/1884; children: 3, Helen Lorraine (Jacobs), Sidney Estelle (Rumsey) and Frank [Sidney and Frank were twins]
Number of Children: 0
district schools; graduated from Flushing high school, 1878 (its first class); attended Michigan Agricultural College; attended University of Michigan law dept.,1880-81 but did not graduate
Biographical Sketch:
He came to Michigan with his parents, Augustus and Sarah Evelyn (Terry) Sayre, in 1864. Served as township clerk of Flushing township for 7 years; treasurer of the school district for 6 years; elected president of the village of Flushing, 1890; justice of the peace from 1888-92, in Flushing, MI. Taught school summers while working his way through college. He took an examination before the Supreme Court and was admitted to the bar 6/12/1881 and began practicing in Flushing. He organized the Peoples State Bank in Flushing and acted as its first president; also organized banks in Montrose, Goodrichand Swartz Creek. Member of the Masons. He was finance auditor for the Great Camp of the Knights of the Maccabees for Michigan
Notable Facts: