Legislator Details

Clarence Leander Sheldon
Number of sessions served 1
Gender: Male
Age at election: 53

Vital Records Information:

Date: 2/19/1850
City: Richmond, MI
County: Macomb County, MI
Country: US
Date: 1/20/1928
City: Bay City, MI
County: Bay County, MI
Country: US
Type of Burial:
Date: 1/22/1928
City: Bay City, MI
County: Bay County, MI
Country: US
Cemetery: Elm Lawn

Marital Information:
married Susan B. about 1880; children: 5, Mable, Meda, Grace, Susie and Clarence jr.

Number of Children: 5


Military Service:
Occupation: lumberman
Race: Caucasian or White

common schools

Biographical Sketch:
Son of Clarence Sheldon. He worked at surveying railroad lines and constructing railroads in 1869 and 1870, and from 1870-93 was in the lumber business in the counties of Lapeer and Roscommon. A manufacturer of sash, doors and a general planing mill business. He was elected Alderman of the eleventh ward.

Notable Facts:
actual month/day of birth not known

Sessions Served:

Chamber: House
Party: Democratic
Committees Served On: Lumber and Salt , City Corporations , Eastern Asylum for Insane
Postions Held:

City of Residence: Bay City
County of Residence Bay
District: Bay 1
District Description:

Date Elected: 11/4/1902
Date Sworn In: 1/7/1903
Date Left Office:

Reason for Leaving Office: N/A
End of Term Status: Departed

Maritial Status: Unknown


MILegHdbk 1903 p.62; MIBiog 2:280; USCwen 1900, 1920; Michiganology