Members of Twentieth Legislature, 1859-1860

Total number of legislators: 113

Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Allen, George Washington 09/17/1813 2 1859 - 1860 (House)
1865 - 1866 (House)
Backus, Ira C. 02/18/1805 1 1859 - 1860 (Senate)
Baldwin, James M. 01/01/1810 1 1859 - 1860 (House)
Bancroft, William Lyman 08/12/1825 2 1859 - 1860 (House)
1865 - 1866 (Senate)
Barnes, Henry 01/01/1816 1 1859 - 1860 (Senate)
Beebe, Uriah 04/03/1812 1 1859 - 1860 (House)
Beers, Philo 02/08/1801 2 1850 - 1850 (House)
1859 - 1860 (House)
Beeson, William B. 01/01/1809 1 1859 - 1860 (House)
Birney, James 06/01/1817 1 1859 - 1860 (Senate)
Brewster, William W. 04/11/1820 1 1859 - 1860 (House)

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