Legislator Details

Portrait of Robert Darwin Graham scanned from Men of Progress p.143.
Vital Records Information:
Marital Information:
married Annie Gross, dau. of Wendall and Wilhemina Gross in Rockford, MI 1881; children: 4 [adopted], Josephine, Herman, Ada and Carl. See notable facts.
Number of Children: 4
district schools; attended Grand Rapids public schools.
Biographical Sketch:
Son of Elwood and Anna M. (Kipp) Graham. The family relocated to Minnesota in July 1856. The Sioux Indians swept across the land ransacking and destroying homes in the area, but the Graham house was the only one left standing for miles. In 1866 the family bought a small farm near Grand Rapids, MI. He received his first schooling during the winter months. The father embarked in the market gardening business and Robert D. drove their truck to market. In 1872 and 1873, on his vacation periods, he clerked in an ice cream and confectionery store in Big Rapids. The next 2 years he took up the plumbing trade, but as his father had bought more land and he returned when 20 years old to the farm. In winter, he read law with E. A. Maher, of Grand Rapids, and on 4/17/1879, he was admitted to the bar. He returned to the family farm after his father made some bad investments. Together with his father, he purchased an adjoining farm and became large growers of fruit. He was elected director and then president of the Fifth National Bank of Grand Rapids and made a Knight of Templar. He was director of the West Side Building and Loan Association of Grand Rapids and a director of the Citizens' Telephone Company of Grand Rapids. Naturalized U.S. citizen, 5/11/1858. Served as township supervisor and justice of the peace. He was a member and vice president of Michigan State Board of Agriculture, 1905-19; a member of the executive board of the State Agricultural Society; and a member of several fruit growers' associations.
Notable Facts:
Men of Progress states year of marriage as 1880.
His parents were Quakers.