Michigan Online Educator Certification System

Is your certificate expiring in 2025? The Michigan Department of Education (MDE) strongly encourages individuals to renew expiring certificates now to ensure there is no lapse in certification. 

As a reminder:

  • 150 hours of professional learning is required for most renewals. 
  • Valid certification is required for placement in Michigan’s K-12 schools. 
  • Educators facing an unavoidable lapse in certification should consult with the employing school district to discuss staffing and substitute permit options.

Educators should access the system at least annually to maintain updated contact information, complete SCECH evaluations and review Education-Related Professional Learning totals.

The Michigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS) is a secure web-based system that allows educators to register and create private accounts and have access to all of their certification data, apply for certificates and endorsements, and renew their certificates. MOECS accepts only credit cards as payment for application services; Visa and Master cards are accepted.

Recommended Browsers:
  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Edge
Certification Help: MOECS users include:
  • Individuals who hold a valid or expired Michigan educator certificate.
  • Individuals who wish to apply for or update a Michigan educator certificate.
  • Michigan local and intermediate school districts/regional education service agencies, charter schools, and nonpublic schools.
  • Michigan colleges and universities that have approved educator preparation programs.
  • Individuals who are currently enrolled in an educator preparation program.
To Create Your Initial MOECS Account or Reset Your Password:
  • Click Login Assistance
  • Enter your name and last 4 digits of your social security number and click Search


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