Members of Ninth Legislature, 1844

Total number of legislators: 71

Name Date of Birth
Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Wilson, Robert S. 2 1843 - 1843 (Senate)
1844 - 1844 (Senate)
Griffin, James W. 01/01/1785 1 1844 - 1844 (House)
Berry, Jonathan 01/01/1790 1 1844 - 1844 (House)
Porter, Micah 08/02/1793 1 1844 - 1844 (House)
Ferguson, DanielJr. 03/18/1794 1 1844 - 1844 (House)
Niles, Johnson 05/02/1794 3 1835 - 1836 (House)
1844 - 1844 (Senate)
1845 - 1845 (Senate)
Snell, William 01/01/1796 2 1843 - 1843 (House)
1844 - 1844 (House)
Shearer, Jonathan 08/23/1796 4 1842 - 1842 (Senate)
1843 - 1843 (Senate)
1844 - 1844 (Senate)
1851 - 1852 (House)
Redfield, George 10/06/1796 4 1841 - 1841 (House)
1842 - 1842 (Senate)
1843 - 1843 (Senate)
1844 - 1844 (Senate)
Hall, Moses 01/01/1798 1 1844 - 1844 (House)

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