
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5585

Name Date of Birth
Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Moore, Edward S. 06/04/1805 1 1853 - 1854 (Senate)
Wood, Thomas 05/21/1805 1 1845 - 1845 (House)
Moran, George 05/01/1805 2 1846 - 1846 (House)
1849 - 1849 (House)
Mack, Almon 04/28/1805 1 1848 - 1848 (House)
Sinclair, Daniel D. 04/16/1805 1 1848 - 1848 (Senate)
Congdon, James M. 03/23/1805 1 1871 - 1872 (House)
Holmes, Alfred 03/22/1805 1 1849 - 1849 (House)
Lathrop, Horace Newton 03/09/1805 1 1853 - 1854 (House)
Bowen, Jesse 02/27/1805 1 1863 - 1864 (House)
Haight, Salmon L. 02/22/1805 2 1849 - 1849 (House)
1853 - 1854 (House)

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