Members of Fifteenth Legislature, 1850

Total number of legislators: 88

Name Date of Birth
Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Kennedy, Frederick A.Sr. 12/27/1785 1 1850 - 1850 (House)
Summers, Jacob 01/07/1787 7 1835 - 1836 (House)
1837 - 1837 (Senate)
1838 - 1838 (Senate)
1839 - 1839 (Senate)
1840 - 1840 (Senate)
1849 - 1849 (Senate)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
Baxter, Levi 10/05/1788 2 1849 - 1849 (Senate)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
Beach, Noah 10/17/1788 3 1843 - 1843 (House)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
1851 - 1852 (Senate)
Pierce, Nathan 09/27/1790 6 1840 - 1840 (House)
1841 - 1841 (House)
1850 - 1850 (House)
1851 - 1852 (House)
1853 - 1854 (Senate)
1857 - 1858 (Senate)
Ives, Friend 12/22/1790 1 1850 - 1850 (House)
King, Jonathan Parsons 01/01/1794 8 1835 - 1836 (House)
1837 - 1837 (House)
1838 - 1838 (House)
1839 - 1839 (House)
1842 - 1842 (House)
1848 - 1848 (House)
1849 - 1849 (Senate)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
Bowne, John 01/14/1796 3 1849 - 1849 (House)
1850 - 1850 (Senate)
1851 - 1852 (Senate)
Otis, Asa H. 03/24/1797 1 1850 - 1850 (House)
Roberts, Elijah J. 01/01/1798 2 1850 - 1850 (House)
1851 - 1852 (Senate)

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