
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 567

Results list for legislators with the followong criteria:
Last name beginning with: B

Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Bandstra, Richard A. 04/02/1950 5 1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
1993 - 1994 (House)
Bangham, Arthur David 11/08/1859 2 1901 - 1902 (Senate)
1903 - 1904 (Senate)
Bankes, Lyn R. 09/10/1941 7 1985 - 1986 (House)
1987 - 1988 (House)
1989 - 1990 (House)
1991 - 1992 (House)
1993 - 1994 (House)
1995 - 1996 (House)
1997 - 1998 (House)
Banks, Brian 11/15/1976 3 2013 - 2014 (House)
2015 - 2016 (House)
2017 - 2018 (House)
Bannasch, John Walford 11/28/1906 4 1943 - 1944 (House)
1945 - 1946 (House)
1947 - 1948 (House)
1949 - 1950 (House)
Barbeau, Peter B. 06/29/1800 1 1845 - 1845 (House)
Barber, Homer Griswold 11/25/1830 1 1871 - 1872 (Senate)
Barber, John 01/01/1792 1 1851 - 1852 (Senate)
Barber, Julius Solon 04/06/1824 1 1867 - 1868 (House)
Barber, Leslie T. 03/11/1886 1 1933 - 1934 (House)

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