
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5585

Name Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served
Session Years
Gould, Amos 12/03/1808 1 1853 - 1854 (Senate)
Hall, Horatio 08/07/1816 1 1851 - 1852 (House)
Ashman, Samuel 04/10/1799 1 1840 - 1840 (House)
Bailey, Isaac G. 01/01/1800 1 1840 - 1840 (House)
Coleman, Henry 01/01/1807 1 1840 - 1840 (House)
Gregory, William S. 02/09/1790 1 1840 - 1840 (House)
Ingalls, Daniel F. 01/01/1835 1 1840 - 1840 (House)
Alvord, Henry Jones 06/08/1811 1 1855 - 1856 (Senate)
Hopkins, Mordecai L. 01/01/1829 1 1855 - 1856 (Senate)
Canfield, Samuel P. 01/01/1797 1 1853 - 1854 (House)

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