Total number of legislators: 5573
Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Coates, Joseph | 12/06/1791 | 1 | 1841 - 1841 (House) |
Coates, Claude W. | 06/13/1904 | 2 |
1929 - 1930 (House) 1931 - 1932 (House) |
Coad, Mathias | 05/27/1836 | 1 | 1897 - 1898 (House) |
Clyburn, William L. | 01/01/1813 | 1 | 1851 - 1852 (House) |
Clute, Henry Alson | 03/24/1840 | 1 | 1897 - 1898 (House) |
Clubb, Henry S. | 06/21/1827 | 1 | 1873 - 1874 (Senate) |
Clothier, Bruce F. | 12/29/1887 | 2 |
1947 - 1948 (Senate) 1949 - 1950 (Senate) |
Cloon, Joseph P. | 03/12/1896 | 4 |
1943 - 1944 (Senate) 1947 - 1948 (Senate) 1951 - 1952 (Senate) 1953 - 1954 (Senate) |
Clodfelter, Mark | 08/23/1950 | 3 |
1975 - 1976 (House) 1977 - 1978 (House) 1979 - 1980 (House) |
Clisbee, Charles W. | 07/24/1833 | 1 | 1867 - 1868 (Senate) |
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