
All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Total number of legislators: 5573

Date of Birth Number of Sessions Served Session Years
Clement, John R. 11/01/1868 3 1925 - 1926 (House)
1927 - 1928 (House)
1929 - 1930 (House)
Cleary, William J. 05/14/1870 4 1943 - 1944 (House)
1945 - 1946 (House)
1947 - 1948 (House)
1949 - 1950 (House)
Clarkson, S [amuel] James 02/09/1925 1 1959 - 1960 (House)
Clarken, John 04/24/1871 1 1909 - 1910 (House)
Clarke, Luther W. 01/01/1825 1 1853 - 1854 (Senate)
Clarke, Hovey K. 07/11/1812 1 1850 - 1850 (House)
Clarke, Hansen 03/02/1957 7 1991 - 1992 (House)
1999 - 2000 (House)
2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (Senate)
2005 - 2006 (Senate)
2007 - 2008 (Senate)
2009 - 2010 (Senate)
Clark-Coleman, Irma 04/13/1937 6 1999 - 2000 (House)
2001 - 2002 (House)
2003 - 2004 (Senate)
2005 - 2006 (Senate)
2007 - 2008 (Senate)
2009 - 2010 (Senate)
Clark, William A. 09/09/1823 1 1863 - 1864 (Senate)
Clark, Walter H. 12/31/1866 2 1911 - 1912 (House)
1913 - 1914 (House)

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