Total number of legislators: 5573
Date of Birth | Number of Sessions Served | Session Years |
Carmer, Sherlock Houston | 01/29/1842 | 1 | 1881 - 1882 (House) |
Carlton, Israel E. | 03/26/1819 | 3 |
1865 - 1866 (House) 1867 - 1868 (Senate) 1869 - 1870 (Senate) |
Carlton, Aubern D. | 02/18/1846 | 1 | 1885 - 1886 (House) |
Carleton, Palmer S. | 11/29/1830 | 1 | 1879 - 1880 (House) |
Carl, Douglas | 08/12/1951 | 7 |
1985 - 1986 (House) 1987 - 1988 (Senate) 1989 - 1990 (Senate) 1991 - 1992 (Senate) 1993 - 1994 (Senate) 1995 - 1996 (Senate) 1997 - 1998 (Senate) |
Carey, Edward | 01/02/1905 | 6 |
1945 - 1946 (House) 1949 - 1950 (House) 1951 - 1952 (House) 1953 - 1954 (House) 1955 - 1956 (House) 1957 - 1958 (House) |
Caplis, James | 03/28/1841 | 2 |
1873 - 1874 (House) 1881 - 1882 (Senate) |
Cannon, Ellery Channing | 12/28/1842 | 4 |
1885 - 1886 (House) 1887 - 1888 (House) 1901 - 1902 (Senate) 1903 - 1904 (Senate) |
Canniff, Stephen | 05/30/1816 | 1 | 1867 - 1868 (House) |
Canfield, William | 05/26/1809 | 2 |
1857 - 1858 (Senate) 1859 - 1860 (Senate) |
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